Nightmares becomes real life - S.J

Start from the beginning

"Come back here!" he yelled at me, he was chasing me. I knew that I couldn't keep running like this for long . I came in to a park and fell to my knees out of exhauston, I quickly turn around and saw him getting closer and closer until he was only about 10 meters away.

"If you come any closer I will fucking kill you Alex!" I shouted at him as he slowly came closer.

"Calm down Princess." he smiled, looking down at me as he took a step closer.

"I swear to god Alex, I will kill you." my voice breaking from all the crying and screaming I had done. He just kept walking closer to me and I was stuck, my back was against a tree and Alex was infront of me.

"Not so cool now, are we?" he said as he held my chin, making me look up at him. I had tears falling down my cheeks and my mascara was completely smudged.

"Please Alex..." I cried and he picked my up and threw me over his shoulder. "NO NO PLEASE, PLEASE I'LL DO ANYTHING!" I screamed, kicking my legs and hitting him with my fists. He walked as if it was nothing while I continued kicking and screaming for help.

"HEY! Put the girl down!" I heard a woman shout, she was coming closer and I could see three other women behind her.

Scarlett's pov

I was having a little girls night at my house with Elizabeth, Brie and Florence. We were out in the garden by the park when I saw a girl come running in to the park before falling to her knees. A tall man came after her and she quickly backed away from him, but she got stopped when her back hit a tree.

"If you come any closer I will fucking kill you Alex!" the girl shouted at the man while he slowly walked closer to her.

The other girls had also noticed now and we were stood watching, not knowing if we should help.

"Calm down princess." the man said as he smiled down at the girl and took a step closer.

"I swear to god Alex, I will kill you." The girls voice broke as she talked, the man just kept walking closer.

"Should we do something?" Florence asked.

"Wait a little bit." I said, trying to figure out how I could help the poor girl. My thinking was interrupted by the man talking again. 

"Not so cool now, are we?" the man made the girl look up at him, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, she was kicking and punching him while screaming for help.

I decided, just in that moment, that I needed to help the girl even if it ment that I could get hurt myself so I rushed out in the parked and yelled at the man to put the girl down. He immediatly dropped the girl and ran of. The girl layed curled up in a ball on the ground, on her knees with her face down. She was breathing heavily.

"Hi, I'm Scarlett. I want to help you." I said as I slowly walked towards the girl, she still didn't move. "I promise I wont hurt you." 

The girl looked up slowly. Her face was stained with mascara and tears, it looked like she had choking bruises on her neck. When she still didn't answer I carefully picked her up. The girl was now sobbing into my shoulder.

Y/n's pov

A woman named Scarlett helped me to her house were I met three of her friends, Brie, Lizzie and Flo. They were all really nice but I didn't feel like I could trust them just yet.

I felt disgusted of myself and sad because I thought that Alex was my friend and that I could trust him.

I was offered to take a shower which I gladly accepted, I wanted to wash him off me. I also got a pair of sweat pants, a tank top and a zip up hoodie to wear after I had showered.

I was stood in the shower and it was like he's still touching me, I could feel his hands all over my body. I scrubbed my body as hard as I could but the feeling didn't go away.

When I got out of the shower and put on the clothes I got to borrow I walked back to the kitchen, where Scarlett had promised that she would wait.

"Would you want to stay over for tonight?" Scarlett offered and I shrugged my shoulder, she showed me to a guest room where I could sleep if I wanted to.

I crawled under the covers, my whole body was aching and I was tired, tears were running down my cheeks, crying myself to sleep. 

Alex was walking over to me while unbuckling the belt on his pants, he got ontop of me and I was once again screaming for him to stop and for help.

I got woken up by Scarlett shaking me and I quickly crawled to the corner of the bed. I felt like I couldn't breath and I had a thousand thoughts rushing in my head.

I heard Scarletts voice somewhere, it sounded like she was far away, she asked me if she could hug me and I nodded. She climed into the bed and held so that I was listening to her heartbeat while she was rubbing my back to calm me down.

"He's not here, he's far away and you're safe." she whispered while calming me down.

"I trusted him!" I cried "I trusted him with my fucking life and he did this!" my voice was hoarse from crying so much. Scarlett kept on holding me like a baby as I cried.

I eventually fell asleep while she was holding me and whispering sweet little nothings in my ear.


I had no idea how to end this lol, part 2 later??? ;)))

I wrote this so long ago but i feel like i really need to update 

~ 1726 words

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