Chapter 6- Is friendship too important?

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The next morning she was very excited to meet the girls, she hadn't met all of them yet so she hoped Eleonor would like her like the others seemed to. She got up from bed and took a shower after which she got dressed in a striped black and white shirt, faded pants and an animal print scarf, she decided to top everything off with a hat and some cool black boots and she got her ray ben sunglasses from the dresser.

She thought she looked okay for shopping with friends, so as soon as it was time to leave she grabbed her bag and keys and went to her car and drove away.

She had a bit of a drive to the shops so she cranked up the music for some company, sometimes music can be your best company.

After about five songs, What Makes You Beautiful came on and she grinned and laughed, until she remembered the way Harry had looked at her during that song, it had been so different and nice, she felt herself blush but she needed to recover herself, cause now they were just friends, who knew, Harry was now her friend, that was over and that was all they were, friends, all that eye contact had been a misunderstanding, even though it felt bad to think about it that way.

When she arrived near the shops, she parked and when she walked to the shop were her and the girls had agreed to meet at. Three girls were already waiting for her.

"Oh sorry, did I make you guys wait long?" she said while she secured her keys in her bag.

"Don't worry love, I just made it here too" said Perrie with her usual dazzling smile, Naya mirrored it.

"Hi, I'm Eleonor, I am so excited yo meet you" said a beautiful brunette with wavy hair as she stepped forward to hug Naya. She thought she would just shake her hand but even though the girl seemed shy she actually hugged her, they all seemed to be like that, such a warm couple of people, she loved it.

"Oh, I--urm...I'm Naya and ditto, I've heard nice things about you" she said as she hugged her back.

A man passed then and smiled at them, that odious smile some men give when they are undressing you with their eyes, which made no effect at all on girls other than making them feel and think the man is a creep.

The girls burst out laughing, "Such a group of sexy people" joked Danielle, and they all laughed even harder at the diva face she made.

They walked around for a while not thinking were they were going, "Where do you guys want to start?" asked Danielle.

"There" Eleonor pointed to a shop a few windows away, " I saw a lush skirt last time but didn't have time to shop" she explained.

They went inside the shop and roamed around, the shop was like a playground for them and they were really getting along well and even though they hadn't known Naya for long they were still treating her as if she had been in their little group forever, it's not like they were trying or anything, it was very natural.

"Oh oh, I love that, it looks so good on you" said Perrie as Naya came out with an off white sparkly high waist skirt.

Eleonor popped her head from behind her own curtain, which was from the dressing booth opposite Naya's, "Oooh that does look nice" she said her eyes wide making her look even cuter.

Danielle was looking at shoes a little way away and when she joined them she agreed, "Would you mind if I try one too?" she asked biting her nails.

"Oh please, that's a compliment to me" said Naya as she went back iinto the dressing room.

"Ugh, they're so lucky, that skirt would never go with our complectiion El" said Perrie and she giggled and so did the other two, in fact both Danielle and Naya were tan skinned, Danielle consoderably more than Naya.

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