Chapter 2- Sing to me!

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At the seven o'clock in the evening, the next day Toby was at Naya's door, she was wearing something very simple yet very flattering on her, just a simple white tee, some gold flowy shorts and an off white long blazer over them, she was pretty casual, but then she wore gold wedges just to put some class and the glitter in the shorts helped too, since they could be going backstage and who knew if there would be a party or any imprtant people to meet.

He knocked on her door and she opened immediately, she was always ready for him she knew how he hated to wait, she closed the door behind her and they walked to the car. He no longer opened anything for her now like a gentleman so she just walked to the other side of the car and got in, she guessed things go like that when time passes on a relationship.

"So do I look good today?" she asked him with a smile, she was very happy with her outfit.

"You look better than yesterday for sure" he said as he drove away.

"That's better than nothing" she muttered to herself.

The ride was long but finally they arrived at the venue with front row tickets and backstage v.i.p passes in hand. He bought a beer at the bar near the gates and then they went in, it was hard to get through all those people, but they found a v.i.p passageway and they walked through it and went in the front row. They looked up before they started to look for the others and on stage was a guy with amazing red hair, he sounded really good.

This occasion was somewhat of a festival, many singers were involved and so all kinds of fans were there, she looked around and she could see a few with an Ed Sheeran banner and with red spiky wigs, there were others with Little Mix posters, Demi banners, Selena, Lawson and a bunch of JLS fans too, in front of her was a McFly band which were also going to be there, but the most frequesnt banners and the most worn t-shirts had to be from fans of One Direction, they were everywere. She recognized the name and some of the faces on their shirts, she didn't know their names though, she wasn't sure but she thought she knew a song of theirs , What Makes You Beautiful, she loved that song, but mostly she was excited to see Little Mix and McFly. Wings and DNA were on her favourite song list and she used to love McFly when they were on the radar all the time. Singers were not going to get many songs because there were too many on the tracklist.

"There they are" told her Toby bringing her out of her bubble, he had spotted his usual friends, they were going to catch some of the concert and then go backstage and have the real fun, like Toby had put it.

The red haired guy which she figured from the banners, was called ED Sheeran finished his songs, thanked the crowd and left, then the host came out and presented the next act, which was Selena Gomez (;P) and right after her were The Script and Naya was just having a lot of fun, all the acts were really good and she loved all of them, even though she had been lfet a little to the side since Toby was very busy with his friends, they were just a few inches away from her but she could still feel lonely, even if she preferred being lonley than having his friends' company.

After The Script the host presented Little Mix on the stage and Naya clapped like crazy, she loved those girls but she didn't want whoot or scream or Toby would look around and call her stupid and a baby infront of everyone else, it had already happened once and it had been horrible, she didn't want to relive it again.

They started with a cover of Cannonball, then Wings and then finally sang DNA and everyone loved them.

"And now...." the host began as if he was excited yet afraid to talk at the same time, "I put these on" he put some ear muffs, some girls seemed to already know what was going on because they started screaming already while Naya just stared at them, and then looked back to the stage, " As I present to you ladies and gentle man, ONE DIRECTIOOOOON" he screamed but soon he couldn't even be heard anymore as hte boys came on stage and the crowd went nuts and more.

The host had been wise because Naya had to put her hand over her ears because there was too much squealing, screams, cheers and also cries and people fainting.

She actually felt pretty excited to see what all the fuss about these boys was about and she watched intently as the boys prepared for the show and waved to the crowd and as one with a chequed shirt and a small quiff talked to the crowd.

They began with a song called More Than This and Naya had to admit she loved it, and so did the girls around her because they were balling their eyes out and mouthed the words. The words they sand were beautiful and full of meaning and they all looked pretty good so she could get why they loved them so much.

After MTT they sang Up All Night and the girls were going crazy for the hip thrusts from one certain cairly haired one, and he seemed to like it, the one with the chequed shirt and the small quiff bent down just to sign an autograph for a girl that had been crying since the beggining of the show.

When that song ended the boys put a smirk on their faces and intorduced their next and last song and the beat for What Makes You Beautiful came on and the crowd just roared and if Naya thought the fans had been crazu before she hadn't seen anything yet, everyone thought they were singing to them and they just gobled it up. She wouldn't have believed the impossibility of it all if she hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

But as the song began and the boys started singing even she started to sing along, it's not like she screamed or fangirled like many of the people around her did, she just stood there and sang as Toby and his friends messed about and drank, a lot.

As the song went along the curly haired one met her eyes from the crowd, she was just in front of him and away from the light so he could see her clearly. He looked away and jumped around a bit only to then move closer to the edge of the stage and looked right back at her once again. He stood like that staring at her and singing to her, girls beside her thought he was looking at them and they just went bursurk; but by the way he held her eyes she was sure she was the one he was looking at. His eyes captivated her as of he had magic in them, but then it was time for his solo part, so he moved a little backwards as he met the boys at the middle of the stage and they gathered behind him like they always did at this point in this song, still he never broke eyes contact with her. The lights then dimmed and it was as if he was staring straight into her soul with that green eyes of his and the way he looked when he was singing that part was just mesmerizing, the way he looked nervous yet he stared into her eyes and sang: "BABY YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD LIKE NOBODY ELSE, THE WAY THAT YOU FLIP YOUR HAIR GETS ME OVERWHELMED, BUT WHEN YOU SMILE AT THE GROUND IT AIN'T HARD TO TELL, YOU DON'T KNOOWW", and then they all jumped into the chorus together and the eyes contact was broken and Naya released her breath, she hadn't realized she had been holding it in until now.

She looked down at the ground, 'what was thaaat?!' she thought, it was as if he hed held her and now released her, but it felt like she didn't want to be released.

When she looked up at the stage again, he smiled at her but right then Toby grabbed her arm and pulled her away breaking eyes contact all over again.

"Come we're going backstage now" he said.

"What about the concert, I was having a nice time" said Naya.

"I don't care, just move your tiny little legs and move" he said and for the first time ever she was actually very angry at him, she didn't try to talk herself out of it, she just wanted to slap the hell out of him, but she still followed him anyway as he took her hand into his. Still she managed to sneak a look back to the stage to see curly haired boy had found her again, spotted her even though she was moving and out of all the girls in the crowd he had had spotted her, it made her feel special for once. He looked a little disappointed now but she couldn't fo anything about it and neighter could he, they would never see each other again, and they couldn't anyway, she had Toby. At one point the tanned one with the nice black quiff and the tattoos had to make him move though, she caught a gimpse of it, "Sing Harry" he told him concerned then he looked towards what he was looking at and he smiled as he caught a glimpse of Naya's face before she turned to leave and then he caught sight of the rest of her as she walked away, "Nice Harry" he told him and then pulled him back with him towards the others for the end of the song and the end of their performance. "I know" Harry whispered to noone whatsoever, this had all happened in such a short time but he had liked what he saw, a lot.



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