Chapter 1- Be careful when you choose the guy!

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Naya Jones was a beauitful girl, she had the classic mediterranean good looks even though she lived in London, her mother was Maltese and her father was british, there were a lot of the same couples in England, it's actually very common. People always told her that she had her mother's beauty and she was good with that, her mother was a gorgeous woman and so that made it a nice compliment.

Naya had dark brown eyes, tanned skin and a mane of long and dark brown hair and to top all that off she had an amazing body, she always liked to keep herself looking good, it was as if she felt pressured into looking good, she always wanted to look her best, at any occasion and boys always threw themselves at her, she was always the centre of attention, a party, school, wherever she was. Even though she had all the attention there was still that one guy that always caught her attention, he made her stomach flutter just a little and even though she recieved many texts daily, his were always the ones she was mostly excited about and the ones she replied to first, casually the others started to get forgotten.

His name was Toby and he was the classic handsome blonde guy with a dazzling smile and the perfect words always there in the right moment. He was sweet and well, just everything she ever wanted in a guy.

All her friends were jealous of the attention he gave her and some of them not in a good way, it was no secret that Toby had many girls running after him too, he was very popular, but the best only wants the best and right now, Naya was the best and he had his eyes on her, he had his eyes on the prize so to speak.

After a lot of wooing they went on their first date together, he took her out for a dinner and a movie, he was a pure gentleman throughout the whole date, he was attentive and did what he had to do and never did anything he wasn't supposed to, she was very impressed.

"So...did you have a good time?" he asked her at the end of their date when they were nearly at her door.

She looked at him, "Yeah, actually..I really did" she answered, her sweet smile appearing.

"So are you saying there can be other dates?" he asked as he helped her up the stairs, Naya was only twenty but she already lived alone in her own appartement but she would not let him in on their first date, because even though she may be very popular with the guys it wasn't because she was easy.

"I really think there will" she said, her smile growing wider.

Then with a huge satisfied smile on his face he leaned down and kissed her goodnight, it was just a small kiss, very chaste, gentle and quick, then he watched her step into the block of appartements, waved at her and left.

They had had so much fun that the next day they met again in the morning, it was a Sunday and they weren't busy so they spent a whole day together. They went for a picnic in the park near were he lived and he fed her food and helped her with everything and all the time he was so gentle that it warmed her heart. They had such a nice day and she just knew Toby would become someone that was really important in her life. She just looked into his eyes as he kissed her over and over again, not seeming to get enough of her, which she loved, the sweet taste of the strawberries they were eating lingering on their lips, she stared at him, and smiled, for no reason she smiled and she knew she would be very happy with Toby.


Fast forward One year, and long story short Toby had become very important to her indeed and he was the one to take her virginity, she had told him she was ready one day when she was afraid he would lose interest. He had been dropping hints about it and how intimacy could them even closer and after a sleepless night of her thinking she could lose him because of the stupid fear of hers to lose her virginity, she had accepted, but vriginity is the one thing you gave and can only use once, and you should give it very wisely.

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