2 ~ The Festival of Lights

Start from the beginning

And - this being partly why I think Chara's so annoying today -, Clover, one of the other fallen humans, asked me to go with him to the festival. We've never really interacted much aside from when the situation with Omega Flowey happened (it's a long story as to why the fallen humans even remember that happening), but we get along well enough. He's very nice, and cares a lot about the monsters despite what happened to him and the other humans. I'm not sure what changed his mind about them, but I suppose it must have been his time stuck down there with them.

"So... Not that I'm not enjoying myself, but why exactly did you ask me to go with you...?" I spoke up, poking a caramel square in my mouth. Truth be told, I don't really like caramel too much, but whatever pisses of Chara, you know?

"Some friend you are," I heard a boy mumble from beside me. Guess he must have caught up with us.

Clover reached up and adjusted his hat again. "Does there have to be a reason? Maybe I just wanted to hang out with a friend."

I glanced at him and popped in another square. "You sure there isn't any ulterior motives? Everett was grinning at you weirdly when we left." Everett's another fallen human; bravery.

"Ever's not really a good source to base that on, you know." Clover shoved his hands into his pockets and chuckled. "And anyway, why so curious? Do you want there to be one?"

A noise close between a choke and a wheeze came from Chara.

"Er, no, I was just curious... You did kind of ask me out of the blue." I quickly shoved another square in my mouth and fidgeted with the bag.

Clover watched me out the corner of his eye for a moment before he sighed. "To be honest, I guess there was a reason. It isn't really that important, though."

Another choke-wheeze from the ghost.

'Will you stop that?!' I mentally glared at him.

"I didn't do anything. And anyway, shouldn't you be focused on your soon-to-be first love confession?"

This time the choking noise came from me.

"Eh? Frisk are you ok?!" Clover stopped and turned to me with a worried expression. He tried to reach out to help me, but I swatted his hands away.

"I'm fine!" A little rude, I know, but I really was fine.

'Love confession?! What the hell are you talking about?!!' I looked up at Chara out of the corner of my eyes, reaching down to pick up the caramel piece I ended up dropping.

"Oh, please. Even Papyrus could tell this guy likes you. It's kind of revolting, honestly. He keeps looking at you with these longing eyes like a love-sick puppy. How are you surprised by this news?" Chara was standing over me with his arms crossed, staring unimpressed at Clover who'd bent down to help me out.

"C-Clover, why exactly did you ask me to come with you this evening?" I stuttered out, looking at the boy as he picked up the last piece. Stuttering isn't exactly what I was going for, but it's too late now.

Clover was quiet for a moment before he spoke up again, his face hidden under his hat. "I guess I just wanted to get to know you better. You managed what I had failed to do, and I'm a little curious what you're like."

"Just freaking say it! Oh, get it over with. I can't stand this cheesiness." Chara groaned, face palming irritably. "Cowboy kid's over here getting all flustered and trying to hide in his hat; Frisk's stuttering up a storm and clearly forgetting that she's a professional flirt. Why the hell do I have to be the one to witness this?!"

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