୨⎯ something strange ⎯୧

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Waking up in your beautifully decorated room, you find the most gorgeous dress folded neatly on your huge dresser.

Waking up in your beautifully decorated room, you find the most gorgeous dress folded neatly on your huge dresser

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(Here is the dress you are wearing)

After making your bed and getting undressed you put on the well fitted dress and look at yourself in the mirror to make sure everything is just right before leaving the room you put your hair in a ponytail and tie it with a blue matching ribbon.

After taking one last look in the mirror you notice a note at your bedside and immediately run over to it.

"Follow the harmony with my hand I shall guide you to a different land" you mumble the words as you read the note.

'What harmony is playing?' you ask yourself as you go to exit the door.

Once in the lit hallway your hit by what could only be a piano playing in the distance, not thinking about the note, you begin to follow the faded music.

As you pick up the paste with walking you are finally met with huge doors that open up to a bigger room.

Standing there in all black with his blonde hair was jareth looking out the window to the labyrinth.

You stand there looking at him in awe as he tilts his head to signify he was thinking. You continue to look at him and soon a smile is brought across your face.

"May I have this dance with you?" He asked as he held out a hand to you while still looking out the window.

You go wide eyed now knowing he saw you. You walk forward as you take his hand placing the other on his shoulder while his hand is now on your hip.

He leans in closer while looking down upon you with his glistening eyes and his devilish look.

I felt as if I was the pray that had just been caught in a trap only to realize it wasn't a trap but only a paradise with exploding fireworks making my heart race faster and faster as I continued to look into his charming eyes.

"Your eyes" you said staring into them as you came closer to him.

"They're dreamy" you say as you give him a sweet smile as you go in circles around the room.

"And your eyes are intriguing, but also as innocent as a child's laughter, reminds me of an old friend." He said while untying your ribbon and letting your hair fall, then tucking a lose strand of hair behind your ear. Then, tracing your jawline with his finger and bringing up your chin as he rubbed his thumb over your bottom lip as you stare into his eyes.

He took his hand down and placed it on your waist and slid his other hand from your hip up to your side giving it a squeeze making you perk up with surprise, as you place your hands around his neck moving closer to him making your hips touch.

Soon a slow song comes on from the piano as you lay your head on his chest hearing his heart beat making you feel comfortable instead of excitement. But it's only been two days..this can't be..love, can it?..

After dancing with the jareth you guys walk through the castle and meet this big hairy creature.

Hiding behind jareth you ask "is that ludo" you say sheepishly as you peek at the beast.

"Yes, he's rather harmless. I tried making him a guard but all he wanted to do is watch butterflies and we couldn't have that, so he wonders around the outside of the castle and falls into bushes alot." He said with a sigh afterwards.

"Well in that case" you say walking up to ludo "hello ludo" you say smiling looking up at the kind beast.

"Sa-rah?" Ludo said leaning his head to the side with a confused look.

"Sarah" you mumbled scrunching your face trying to remember where you have heard that name before.

"Ludo this is (y/n) she's staying with us at the castle now." Jareth said while pulling you close giving your arm a small squeeze, you look up at him and smile.

"(Y/-n)" ludo says while looking at you and then doing his goofy smile.

You smile at ludo as you wave goodbye and walk with jareth through the corridor making coy glares every once in a while as he talks about the kingdom.

"Jareth" you say looking into his eyes while you put your hand on his shoulder as he turns to look at you.

"Yes?" He says while leaning down to match your height. "How long have you been here" you say with worried eyes.

"I- I'm afraid I can't say" he says as he looks away. He knew the answer but was scared of the thought of you knowing he was well over 300 years old now.

He looks away and then looks back at you with a confused look. "I'm afraid I have to go.." he says walking away leaving you.

"Wait, where are you going!" You say standing there with a saddened look.

He doesn't respond as he continues to walk out of your vision.

Later in jareth's room

"What if she doesn't feel like I feel" he mumbled as he drank more of his whiskey from the bottle as his head hung low as he leaned on desk while grabbing a handful of his hair letting small droplets fall.

"She's so gorgeous" he quietly sobs as he soon drifts off to sleep having a unpleasant dream.

The dream

In the dream he appears in the middle of a field surrounded by tall weeds that go up to his knees. Jareth looks around trying to find a reason for this dream.

After walking a little bit he sees you in the distance and starts running, but you are laughing and spinning in circles while walking away going faster than he could catch up and suddenly you stop and look farther than him with a worried look and point behind him.

He turned around and saw Sarah standing there looking at him with a displeased look and starts to turn away and that's when he looks at you as you run towards him and he runs towards you.

Soon a circle of fire surrounds jareth and you step back looking back up at him reaching yelling his name over and over again.

End of dream

"Jareth, JARETH, JARETH!" You said as you shook him awake and he realized what happened and wrapped his arms around your waist and dug his head in your chest as he began breaking down.

All you could do was hold him and lean your head upon his. You've never seen him so vulnerable, you felt as if what you were feeling for him was more than just a crush but you couldn't explain if it was love.

You wrap your hand around him as you held him while you fell to the floor together as he held on tight to you as you softly stroke his hair.

"Is everything alright?" you ask as he started to calm down and looked up at you.

"I'm okay but...could you stay with me?" He asked in a saddened tone and loosened his grip while looking into your eyes.

"I-...." You thought for a second and then looked back at him.

"Please.." he said quietly.

"Okay, but only if it will help." Even if you made it fast it was still a hard decision.

You both got into his bed and he once again placed his head on your chest while drawing circles on one spot on you back making it tickle a little.

As you held onto him, you could feel something wet on your neck and small nibbles that tickled a little bit as well.

RN: Your welcome I'm leaving you on a beautiful cliffhanger 😼 also sorry if the position they were in throughout the end wasn't readable lol it was kinda hard explaining it so if there is any confusion just let me know and I'll fix it, thanks!❤️

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