First Day

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First day back to school

Harrys POV:
It was the first day of school. I was the new student. Why did we have to move. I know the answer to that actually. My mom died when I was about 5. She was a druggy. My dad had a great job and made a lot of money...notice how i said had. When mom died he tried to stay strong. I always saw him cry, he didn't know that i saw though, and i am good to keep it that way. A few months after her death he started bringing lots of girls over. It went from a new girl every month to a new girl every night . This one girl he brought home lived in Tennessee. They have been together for 4 months now. But dad got tired of long distance so he moved. He lost his job just so he could come live in Tennessee with a woman he just met 4 months ago. He threw his whole life away. We have been living in Tennessee for 2 months now.(since summer break started) But about a week ago my dad got broken up with. So now we live in a trailer park. The messiest trailer park around. We are poor. I start school tomorrow and I plan to not let anyone know that we are poor. The good think is, I still have a lot of clothes that I had before we were poor so nobody will notice. I just can't invite people over. It's simple. Well I should be going to bed now. I start 10th grade in the morning.

5:00 AM

"Harold wake up it's time for school bud!"

I get up take a shower, brush teeth, fix hair, deodorant, outfit, you know all that stuff. Then I go downstairs and eat my breakfast.
"Bye dad"
"Bye Harry, have a good day!"

Well here goes nothing.


I am at the school. I am about to walk in.

I can't do this. I'm gonna embarrass myself. I'm the new kid. Everyone is gonna look at me weird and whisper things about me. I hate this.

I walk in the front doors and go to the office

"Excuse me ma'am, can i please have my schedule i don't know where anything is"

"Oh yes of course, here you go honey. Have a good first day, good luck"

"Thank you"

I walk to my first class. It's Home Room. I guess that means it's not a real class. I'm not sure. I've been home schooled since I was little because my dad didn't have enough time to worry about taking me to school and picking me up.

I walk in and just like I thought, everyone stared at me. I could not tell if they were judging me or what. But it felt like they were looking into my soul, so far down that they could read all my secrets.

I see 2 open seats. One of them has a girl. She's chewing her gum, very aggressively might i add, and she's checking me out..i guess now might be a good time to mention i'm not into girls..but nobody needs to know that. If it's anything like schools in movies are, i don't want anyone to know i'm gay.

The other seat is next to this guy. His hair is brown and wavy and he has brown eyes and glasses. He is wearing a striped shirt with suspenders and jeans. It's kinda cute to be honest. I chose to sit by him.

"Hey mind if i sit here?"

"I don't, but everyone else will"


"Never mind, what's your name?"

"I'm Harold but Harry for short, you?"

"My names Louis"

"Oh well that's a cool name"


The teacher was calling roll. Oh god do i say here? or what. uhmm

"Harry Styles"

shit she just called my name. OMG WHY AM I NOT SAYING ANYTHING.

"Harry, she called your name" Louis said

"Oh right, here"


"Have a good day today guys!"

Here we go.


Larry Stylinson~ High school (jock x nerd)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin