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" What do you mean!? This was my fault?! I protected you from that thing for years?! You should be thanking me if anything "

" Thank you for what? Being a terrible liar "

Singapore watched from the side as South Africa and Austria yelled back and forth at each other. Neither one of them could keep their mouths shut when it came to talking business. Half the time it wasn't even business, it was just them bickering about why they hated each other. The country let out a long and audible sigh.

"Nothing beats, like watching an old couple fight." he looks over to Indonesia. The red and white country just shakes his head, letting out a quiet yawn. The two were just there for backup and protection. Singapore didn't care anymore, Europe could have South if that meant some quiet once in a while. He slumped against a nearby wall closing one eye, blocking out the yelling children in front of him.

" This Austria is why all the countries went extinct. Your voice was too much for them to handle. "

" Don't give me that South! At least I have a working mafia instead of one getting fat like yours! " he tried to taunt the other country. South looked even more upset. She walked closer to Austria and stared at him with death in her eyes. The two just stared with dirty expressions for a while.

Indonesia had a good time watching, and pulled out a ration bar from his pocket, munching on the snack while watching the show. No one even seemed to notice. That was until Austria had enough a practically broke his head to look at the two.

" Singapore. DO YOU ACTUALLY HAVE SOME SENSE?! WHO'S RIGHT " Austria shoved South away. Singapore groaned, he didn't care but couldn't say it in front of South. He pushed up his cracked glasses and looked in between the two with hesitation. With some hope, he glanced at Indonesia, who raised his hands and took a few steps back. Nobody wanted to deal with this.

" I'm not here to pick favorites. No matter how much I hate both of you, I'm not saying anything. Except for your both acting like children, and are greatly overreacting " he defencly crossed his arms. South's jaw practically hit the floor, while Austria looked like he was thinking deeply about it. After about five minutes, South closed her mouth for a few seconds, only to react with an insult or two.

"You don't understand how hard it is to order a mafia, half of your members are dead or disabled!"

Singapore growls, he was very protective over his group. "At least they don't cry when they get a splinter! They actually learn how to heal themselves and don't argue with each other!"

"You're such a hypocrite!" Austria snapped back. "We all can hear you and Thailand fighting across all three islands! It's a miracle the outside world doesn't hear you!" Austria and South gang up on Singapore. The Asian country wasn't going to just stand around.

"At least I don't hide an Axis in my basement!" The Asian says back. South chuckles and looks towards Austria.

" Don't look at me with your one eye " he points a finger in South's face. Singapore shrugs and looks towards the door. He motions for Indonesia and the two leave as Austria and South start fighting again.

" It's not my fault! I did what I had to. " Austria crosses his arms. South brushes a few leaves off her coat.

" Yeah, yeah sure you idiot. But let me make one thing clear. If I find an Axis sneaking around my building, or my people, you'll be the first one to pay for it. I'll make sure it happens " she flicks Austria in the forehead and leaves.


France laid her head back, resting it against the large trunk of the Westeria tree. She needed a break, she needed every minute of a calm life she could get. It was late at night, way later than she should be outside. There was always a risk of a random hunter at night, but France didn't care. She needed to be away from the building, from her family, from her memories, from her past. All she ever wanted was a minute of total peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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(Canceled) Hiraeth - Couthyhumans Mafia AUWhere stories live. Discover now