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"Rome." Israel giggles. "Come on."

Rome was still stuck looking like a human but the effects should wear off soon. Israel's human form could change at her will because she understood magic more than he did, and she had the 'gift'. He was jumping around in a long-grass field. Still, night time but the fireflies and the moon gave good light. Rome was trying to catch the little light-up bugs.

Rome giggles. He's having fun playing with the little bugs.

Rome ducks down into the long grass, pauses, then jumps out to catch the fireflies. This time he crouches down and waits longer. A firefly lands in front of him. He jumps and cups his hands to catch it. His eyes widen and he looks closely at his cupped hands in the grass.

He slowly opened them, he saw a small firefly glow a yellow-green color. Its wings buzzed and it flew onto Rome's nose.

Rome pauses and watches the firefly flash in and out. Until the firefly tickled his nose.

Rome felt a sneeze coming on, he huffed until it came out quite violent. The firefly flew away. Rome frowns.

"Rome." Israel's voice is more firm now. Rome stops and looks at her. "We're almost there."

Rome ran to her. Once he was in front of her, he smiled.

"How's your progress on changing back?"

Rome tilted his head, "Changing back?"

"Yeah, this spell won't be lasting much longer." Israel examined Rome. As she did, his eyes changed back to its glowing yellow-gold color.

Israel and Rome continue to walk. Until Rome feels weird.

He has to stop and he puts a hand to his head. He groans, his head was hurting and thumping.

"Rome? Are you alright?"

"My head hurts." His voice is muffled by him covering his face.

"I think you're changing back." Israel looks around and sees a large rock. "Maybe you should sit down." She guides him to the rock where he sits.

"Does... Changing back... Hurt?" Rome looks at her with fearful eyes.

"Not usually." Israel rubs his back.

Rome groans again but louder. His horns slowly come out. Rome looks at his hands, they were changing into claws. Rome flinches as his tail grows. His teeth start to get sharper. Rome groans again.

"It's okay... You're almost done."

Rome's wings slowly prick out and grow. His pale skin changes to its red and gold color. Rome takes a deep breath, he pauses. "That wasn't so bad..."

Israel nods. She looks up and recognizes where they are. "We're very close."

They both continue their way.

Rome is glad to have his wings and tail back. He flicked his tail back and forth and his wings bounced as he took a step.

Until Rome heard a continuing loud crashing noise. His ears perk up. "What is that noise?"

"It's a waterfall."

"Water... Falling?" Rome asks, his golden yellow eyes were curious.

"A waterfall is... It's better if I show you." Israel shrugs and picks up the pace to a jog. Rome giggles and follows.

Rome hears the noise get louder and louder. He sees a large body of water. His eyes follow its flow and it leads down the mountain. Right before the waterfalls, there is a wooden bridge, Israel is at the start of it. Rome goes to her side, they then face each other.

(Canceled) Hiraeth - Couthyhumans Mafia AUWhere stories live. Discover now