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"War is a game that can be played with a smile on a face, but there won't be any laughter in a heart."


The day was predictable as always.

You wake up in your cell, you're given food that isn't enough to fill you, you're put in a better cage for people (humans) to see you and admire you, your owner is given the complements for having you, then for the rest of the day you sit there (only getting food if someone walks by and wants entertainment), until it's dark out and your put back in you're terrible cold cell, given a little food. It had started to become somewhat normal.

Predictable as always. Rome told himself.

He's been in a cage for as long as he can remember.

He's tired of it. Being an object to display. The only reason he was so precious to his owner was because he was the last countryhuman to remain, but he was a statehuman. Didn't matter. He was one of a kind.

All the other countryhumans had disappeared, along with ⅓ of the population. Gone in the flash of an eye. Some say it was a bombing, some say they all died, some say they didn't even exist to start with.

Rome isn't sure where they went, but he was too focused on himself to worry.

Rome was young enough to be considered a young teen (but he doesn't know how old he is). Even though he is, he still remembers what happened before... ̶̤̽̉̈̏̆̐̽̉T̸̩̈́̿͒̓͆̈͜ḥ̵̬̭͍͈̬̅ͅē̷̗̭͈͉̹̤͎͆͑̎͐͠ ̵̧̪͍̪̥̯̈́̎̈́͂͐̽͜D̶͕͒̌a̴̼̲̿̄y̸̨̼̖͎̓̄̎.

The Day is what people called it when the world ended. The world just wasn't the same after WW1. WW2 followed, then WW3, then WW4, and on and on. Countries never liked to be the loser of a world war, so they always started another, and another, until they all killed the world. As much as Rome wanted to say they brought it upon themselves he just couldn't.

This didn't just involve a few countries. It was all of them. Even the innocent ones who had nothing to do were dragged in, and either left to die, or fend for themselves. It hurt Rome to even think that. So many good friends, gone in only a week.

He knew that no statehuman was left alive. In the middle of the war, States were seen as useless as they had less power. There was a Statehuman Civil War, but it was all in vain. All statehumans were seen as terrorists to their own countryhumans and were hunted to extinction. That was when everything fell into ruins.

Without their states, countries became weaker and were picked off one by one or disappeared and not seen to this very day. Russia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Keyna, Cyprus, Nepal, all of them were lost to the internal fire of the war. Everyone in the war didn't care how famous or strong you were, if you were in their way you were sure to die. The only reason Rome was still alive was that he was just born when that happened and Italy was able to hide him... Until he couldn't anymore.

Rome shook his head, he didn't want to remember that part.

Rome sighs. He's a little numb from his cell being so cold. The stone that he used as a pillow, lay below him, only slightly warm because of his internal temperature.

(Canceled) Hiraeth - Couthyhumans Mafia AUWhere stories live. Discover now