Chapter 2

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When Darklight's wing got caught in a net, Moon knew immediately something was up, and it probably had to do with the two gods she had left behind.

She muttered angrily as they spiraled downwards, her peaceful flight now ruined..

"Hang on, Dark. I'll soften your fall."

Moon jumped off of Darklight and thrust herself into a flat position like a skydiver. The ground came into view as her eyes watered from the wind.

It only took a split second of concentration, but the wind was holding her midair, and was slowing Darklight's fall.

She spotted Loki, Thor, and quite a few soldiers down there. Rage seethed through her.

Ignorant toads. How'd they get to me so fast?

She stayed well out of their sight, and watched as Darklight landed on the ground softly.

Just hang on, buddy.

17 years of action, and she still feared for her scaled friend. How could she not? He was sweet and strong and totally clueless other than in the thick of battle.

They tied Darklight up to a flying disc-looking thing, and sped away.

Moon tried to keep up, but she wouldn't be surprised if this vehicle could go the speed of light.

So she quietly hopped on the back, and tried her best to cut her dragon free, but it was difficult to do that and be absolutely silent.

I'll have to free him once they leave him alone.

A huge golden castle-like structure loomed ahead of them.


Moon wanted to go anywhere but here as she dove under the disc and hoped no one would look at her.

They unloaded her dragon, and threw him into some kind of makeshift stable. Was that a metal lock?

She glanced above her head. If they saw her escape, they could easily just follow her in this vehicle.

So step one was to destroy it.

Her right hand ignited in red-hot flames, and she slowly began burning through the gas tank at the bottom. She smelled the sharp scent, and she pressed her whole hand onto the hand, feeling it melt away like ice.

Maybe this would distract them long enough for her to get her dragon out.

She knew they might have more, but any sort of time, even a few discombobulated seconds are worth it.

She heard a small little pop and she dove straight out, and climbed up a nearby pillar. With a whoosh and a boom, the vehicle exploded, with bits of flaming scraps finding their way straight towards her.

She didn't even flinch as they hurtled straight past her. She was used to venomous snakes, aggressive tigers, and deadly tests. This was nothing compared to those.

She saw the people surrounding the ashes, trying to investigate, and before the door closed, Moon zipped in with insane speed.

She let the door quietly thump behind her, and waited in the shadows. No one was here.

But not entirely trusting her eyes, she reached out to her senses, and noticed there were at least five presciences in the room, including Darklight.

They knew I'd come.

Her mind flashed over to Loki.

Good try, but when I find you I'll make sure you never forget my face.

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