Chapter 3

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He was thoroughly surprised that Thor kept sending him news about this warrior, whose name turned out to be Moon.

They seemed to be very busy. She had helped him with battles across the planet.

But Loki knew she had secrets.

And she had some power.

He could tell it wasn't magic, she shared some kind of aura around her. Like she was just...

He didn't know.

What was even more worrying was that she looked about twenty.

If you put his Asgardian age into human years, he'd be about 21.

First things first: get out of this white death room.

How to do that, he wasn't entirely sure.

He did feel like he could invest in the title of the God of Mischief and Sarcasm.

Laughing without harmful intentions was something that didn't happen often at all to him, but he had the urge to.

Loki could tell that his unexpected guest was slowly warming up to his oversized brother.

After he had acted like a total idiot, Thor beat him to asking for her name. It really bothered him. Can he not say three words to someone? Maybe he was finally going insane. Not that he wasn't already...

But Loki was still stuck in a stupid cell so he could be a good little neutralized threat and stew in his own anger.

He was actually very angry. He's been this close to Moon, and he's screwed it up.

Two DAYS of being stuck in here. With NO ACTION. NOTHING.

Where could she have gotten all that power? She doesn't necessarily look like she wants to take over the world.

What he found even more startling was that she had manipulated metal. Like it was butter.

He had tried to draw her face on a sketchpad, but between his terrible art skills and the fact that he only had a pencil to work with, he failed miserably, leaving him feeling like goop - easily moldable and slimy.

He hated losing.

Thor had visited him, but Loki kept up his sour attitude. He knew he was acting like an immature toddler, but still.

Maybe if he just-

The door opened, and in came someone he wasn't expecting whatsoever.

In came the person Loki was betrothed to. He wasn't exaggerating when he complained about her to himself: she was probably the worst person to exist.

She came in, decorated with jewels and excessive makeup. Loki felt sick. He retreated to the far wall.

She didn't speak much, but when she did, it was to say something infuriating and weird.

Compared to Moon, this woman was a bug. A disgusting bug that Loki wanted to crush.

Loki felt cornered. He knew it was not okay to disrespect his "father's" wishes, but Odin was dead, and this lady was freaking scary.

He noticed she had left the door open. In a panic, he dove out of his cell and blinked. He was outside of the cell!

He closed the door hurriedly and ran up the stairs. Just before he was about to exit...

The sound of metal.

He stopped, a metal sword pointed directly at his throat, just like how she did it...

Light of Legacy: The Serpent's VenomDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora