Chapter 1

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Moon had been to several dimensions, but none like this.

The huge fight raged below her as she stood watch on a rocky mountainside. She tried to pick out the ringleaders, and finally singled onto an oversized blonde person leading one half, and a man in green leading the other.

Man. They really have it out for each other.

Then her eyes narrowed as she realized who the guy in green was.



I'm going to need Darklight.

Moon whistled, and waited.

The battle surged onward, and Moon flinched when she saw the two gods in the lead clash against each other with swift brutality. Dust flew up from the battlegrounds, and several trees fell down with small crashes.

Then a fierce roar tore through the air, and everyone froze, and looked up at the mountain.

Moon stood straighter, and Darklight swooped down behind her with impeccable comic timing, his black and blue wings unfurled.

In a precise movement, Moon jumped onto her dragon's back and they flew above everyone's heads for a split second before landing. Wind rushed past her face as Darklight's wings caught the currents.

Avoiding pools of jewel-red blood, she walked straight in between Loki and Thor and touched the soil underfoot.

"Thor. Loki. Nice to meet you, blah blah blah. Alright, I would like it if you guys can just chill. Thor is the rightful king of Asgard, and I have to admit, a King Loki would be just horrifying."

She saw Thor and Loki glance at each other. They seemed to be contemplating, but once Loki tried to strike down Thor while his guard was down, Moon was there in a flash, holding the dagger.

This could be fun.

"Don't be an idiot."

Loki stumbled back.

So be it.

Thor tried to set Mjolnir on top of her, which, as far as she could tell, was probably the stupidest thing ever. She gently pushed the end of the hammer away from her.

The expression on the god's face was priceless! It took all of Moon's wits to keep from laughing.

She flipped the hammer around, walked right up to Thor, handed it to him, and turned to stare down Loki, who as far as she could tell, was a total nut-job.

It was brave of him to not try to shrink back. She had, after all, just held the hammer that was entitled to his adoptive brother.

Darklight growled in the background, as people tried to approach him.

But just as she met Loki's eyes, the world shook.

Oh no, oh no, oh no.

Moon shot the gods an intimidating glare, then felt Darklight step behind her so she could take off.

"Better start your march back, I'll know if you don't."

Moon knew there would be way more conflict for her to deal with, but she didn't feel like resolving it right now.

She felt a gaze on her as Darklight's black and blue scales flashed away. Loki was watching her.

I can't believe it.

She had known immediately that Loki would be important.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Darklight made a friendly and curious sound, like to see if she was alright.

Light of Legacy: The Serpent's VenomOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant