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34 ABY - Location Unknown - Aboard Star Destroyer 'Finalizer'

"I had no idea we had the best pilot in the resistance on board," A cold, modulated voice woke Poe from his troubled slumber—his pathetic attempt at rest, considering he was strapped upright, his hands and legs restrained from moving at all.

The First Order goons had been on him for hours before finally giving up, realizing with each slice into his skin or blow into his side that he only grinned wider. He wasn't going to give up anything, even if they pulled his eyes from his head, and they seemed to understand that and left him alone, he wasn't sure for how long now. He'd assumed they'd left him to die.

He tilted his head up, his neck protesting at the movement before his eyes landed on the figure across the dark room. The man was tall, covered from head to toe in black, his face covered by a dark helmet. The modulated, amused-sounding voice spoke again when Poe made no reply, "Comfortable?"

"Not really," He admitted, glaring even though he was curious as to who this new arrival was. He didn't seem bothered by Poe's sarcasm.

"I'm impressed," The First Order man stepped closer to him as he spoke, "No one has been about to get out of you what you did with the map."

Poe looked where he guessed the man's eyes would be, "You might want to rethink your technique." He challenged, his body tensing in preparation for whatever violence it was about to endure.

Only, the man reached up a gloved hand, palm open towards him. For a beat Poe was confused.

For a beat, nothing.

And then the oddest sensation, like a hand dipping beneath his skull and squeezing his brain, and he almost gasped. He let out a small breath, his eyes dropping from the masked man because—he needed to focus, to push this pain away, to prevent...what was he doing to him?

The pain and pressure doubled and Poe slammed his head back into the headrest, unable to hold in his pained groan, his entire body protesting at the invasion. He tried to push at it, but there was nothing he could find to push against, it was invisible, it was nothing.

The man tilted his head, "Where is it?"

Ah, he was trying to get to the map. In Poe's brain, using a-a something that he'd only ever heard tales about, never seen, thought was long gone. He hadn't been prepared for this sort of attack, this form of torture that seemed to make his brain want to cooperate, just for relief.

He thought of you, then, and what you said any time there was a close call, an enemy with the upper hand. It spilled out of his lips, automatically, "The Resistance will not be intimidated by you."

The pressure increased again and fuck, fuck if it didn't hurt worse than any other pain in his life, the pain of losing Charlie, of losing you, the pain of stab wounds or blasters to the leg. This hurt so much worse and he wanted it to stop but he couldn't let it—as long as he was in pain, the information was safe. He'd go down burning, he had to!

"Where is it?" The man sounded frustrated, his hand moving closer to Poe as that pressure continued to build and build and he had to swallow it, let it happen, let the pain exist.

He tried something, then, in desperation. Poe let his brain flood with the memories he had of you, each one like a movie, and thrust them toward his interrogator, let him see the most vivid thoughts he had instead of the location of the map.

Poe stared down at you, his eyes threatening to blur with the tears he was shedding, and he had to keep blinking to clear his vision. You looked beautiful, standing before him in a simple lace dress, your lower lip trembling as you gave your vows.

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