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Your hand smacked against the cool steel of the dining table as you snorted, "That is not true!" You exclaimed, watching Poe run his hand over his mouth to try and hide his smile, though you could still see him shaking with laughter. "Poe that was Charlie, it was NOT me!"

"Sure Sweetheart," He drawled through his chuckles, quirking a brow at you, "Charlie convinced your dad that we could all be trusted on our own for the weekend. 'Cause, he was the one with the big sad eyes your dad fell for every time."

You groaned, knowing Poe was right, your giggles confirming it to him even though you didn't outright admit it. "Well you were the one who suggested we try to nab some booze at Eddard's," You pointed at him accusingly as memories of you, Charlie and Poe as preteens trying to break into a closed cantina to steal spotchka replayed in your mind. "I was the only one the old man didn't hit."

"My ass smarted for a week after that," Poe frowned at the memory and you giggled again. He grinned over at you, and you felt a flush of delight at the early morning banter, each of you sipping your caf as the golden sun streamed in through the high windows and the room steadily grew busier around you.

It had been a few weeks since your return from the classified mission, the data collected on the outpost proving to be immeasurably useful, earning you both a very pleased smile from the General. A larger secondary team was already there; though they were outfitted with greater protective equipment and a lot more manpower to clear back some of the overgrown jungle from the base and work to bring it back up and running.

While it was a severe break in protocol, neither you nor Poe included the exposure to the red flower pollen in your mission reports. You described the sighting of the plant, cautioned approached and advised the settlement team to wear protective gear, but that was all. Though a mild amount of guilt settled in your stomach for the breach, the idea of writing down what had happened, of being hauled for questioning and medically assessed, was more than enough to make you feel it was the right decision.

It had taken three days to return to base from the mission. Even after your long conversation with Poe assuring him you were alright and that you didn't blame him for what happened, he still walked around you like he was afraid any moment you would crack and reveal your anger or mistrust. He'd pointedly refused to touch you or come too close after the initial embrace you shared, and although you disagreed with his reasoning, you couldn't help the relief that you felt because something about being close to him, touching him, stirred feelings inside you that you didn't want to address.

It made it easier to focus on repairing your friendship if you maintained a slight distance from the man you'd known your entire life. Better to set aside any feelings or thoughts and work to find your way back to the version of yourself you missed. The one who had been happy. You wanted to be her again because the lonely woman you'd become was less than ideal. And you had missed Poe more than you'd admit.

You just wished you could stop the dreams.

"You know," You spoke slowly, your eyes losing focus as you thought back to those younger years, "I'm pretty sure that was the weekend I became obsessed with learning about Mandalore. I saw that picture of the really famous one up in the cantina and wanted to know everything about it all." You shook your head at your youthful silliness, the crush you'd developed for the faceless bounty hunter simply from hearing the tales of his heroics. You'd even had a-

"Remember the picture you had?" Poe cut into your thoughts and you refocused on him, "You had that up for years, on the back of your door, a street artist's painting of the rogue Mandolorian, Charlie teased you all the time for having it." He was smiling at the memory, his eyes crinkling slightly.

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