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Mission Objective: Occupy First Order fuelling yard. Decommission. Kill enemies on sight.

Mission Location: Sanbra Sector

Mission Assignment: Gold Squadron

Squadron Leader: Major Charlie Horn

Status: Active

Growing up on Yavin 4, you had spent most of your childhood staring into the sky-day or night- eager to get off the planet and explore the galaxy. Your big brother, Charlie, was always talking about flying-specifically, piloting a ship. At some point, you adopted the same dream, though where for Charlie it was about doing something worth a damn, it was just about adventure for you.

When you got older Charlie started training to become a pilot to join the Resistance, a cause your parents had been a part of even before it became known by that name. Having settled on Yavin to start a family, they often told stories of the Empire, the Jedi Order, the Death Star and the Skywalker family. It was therefore unsurprising when your brother and his best friend, Poe Dameron, passed their initial flight school and then shipped off to join the Resistance.

Their departure had lit a fire within you. You wouldn't be far behind.

And now, just a few years later, you had finally achieved your lifelong goal of getting off of Yavin 4 and seeking adventure. You followed in Charlie's footsteps because once you were in the pilots' seat, you discovered a talent you hadn't even known you possessed. More so, you realized a passion for flying, the freedom of being in the sky with the stars around you. The feeling of take-off, just as exciting and exhilarating as the first time, every time. You aced your trials in flight school, quickly rising to the top of your class and now you were a few months into being an actual member of a real Resistance squadron.

You were Gold-8, the newest addition to Major Charlie Horn's well-respected team. Though you hadn't expected to become so skilled that you would be coveted for the elite team. Nothing made you happier than getting to work with your brother every day, fighting the First Order and getting to explore all over the galaxy with every mission you were assigned.

Today's mission was much the same, a simple enough takeover and destruction of an old fuelling bay used by the First Order. You'd been here a few times for surveillance only, and now it was time for the entire team to carry out the mission together.

You were focused, despite the overall carefree nature of the team, none of you were ever anything but fully alert. It was why you were all so highly regarded, you got the job done, with minimal casualties and equipment losses, and smiled the entire time. It was tough not to smile, with Charlie at the helm, barking orders in his jovial voice. You could always picture the smirk on his face. You were the more serious sibling, the one that took a little longer to warm up to others, the quieter and, as Poe described you, empathic one.

Charlie and Poe had been friends from a young age, and because you were close to your big brother, it meant you were also close to Poe. The witty, flirty and too handsome for his own good flyboy had always been accepting of you, never made you feel like you couldn't hang around him and your brother, always included and protected you. You loved Poe. Like a brother, you tried to convince yourself-nothing more, nothing less. It was too easy to like him, because behind his jokes there was a more serious, thoughtful man that you had recognized even when you were all teenagers, one that seemed to understand and be in tune with you always. Poe had a depth about him, just like Charlie, though the two men were very different in many ways, it seemed to make their friendship that much stronger.

Now, you were all a little older and a tiny bit experienced in life, and back together again on Gold Squadron. Getting up every day and fighting the good fight together, going to the cantina in the evenings to drink and dance and laugh, life was just good. You appreciated every moment.

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