152. Defending The Wood

Start from the beginning

"Sigh, you bring it upon yourself," says Palu before he rushes to the enemies.

Palu attacks the enemies blindly while using both of his haki. It doesn't take long for him to defeat this weak pirate crew with his current strength. Then he uses the enemy's galleon ship to return to his crew.

"Good, now rob that ship then sink it," orders Buggy to his crew.

"You never miss a chance, huh?" asks Enel.

"We shouldn't miss any chance that we can take if we want to success," says Buggy.

Everyone sighs and then Palu, Deon, and Enel rob the ship and take everything. They want to sink the ship, but Palu stops them because he has an idea. His idea is to use the ship to help them pull the wood.

"That's a good idea. But I think it's better to just use the bigger ship to pull the wood while we patrol the surrounding with our smaller ship," says Buggy.

"Hmm, you're right. The smaller ship will just hinder the bigger ship's way. Let's go with that," says Palu.

The Clowns then tie the wood to the galleon ship while also throwing the enemy pirates out of their own ship. But they left a few of these guys, the ones who are docile and have given up to them.

They use these guys to handle the ship's cannons to fight against the enemies that will come after this. Deon & Mantis supervise them while Ruff takes the ship's control.

Jude is still being the scout, but she is on the galleon ship's crow nest. Manba is on the wood's rear alone now because Cricket & Palu join Buggy & Enel on Little Hunter. They sail right behind the wood to protect it and Manba still stays there for backup.

Their movement become faster and easier now. Palu has moved the Dials to the galleon ship to make it move faster. The Little Hunter doesn't need it because it can move fast without any weight behind them.

They get attacked again by some ships. Those aren't just pirate ships, there are Underground forces, normal merchant ships, Nations' ships, and even a Marine ship also appear.

The Clowns aren't sure if the Marine ship is there for the wood or them. But they still fight the Marine nonetheless. The Marines' reason isn't important because whatever it is, they are still enemies.

Buggy & co who stay on Little Hunter are going around to fight the incoming attackers. They take turns fighting the enemies on each ship. 3 people will attack while one will control their ship.

Buggy & co also don't forget to rob the attackers' ships. They get quite good wealth from all of these idiots who attack them. These guys were from Auction House, so they have some good wealth.

They have a lot of money, that's for sure because they join the auction. Buggy & co also found some items from Auction House that these guys bought. The items vary from common to rare ones.

"Hehe, we got some goodies here," says Buggy.

"We didn't bid for them, but we get them in the end. Lucky," says Palu.

"We've also recovered some of our loss. We get 341.4 million Belly from those guys," says Cricket.

"What are you saying, Cricket? We aren't just recovering it, we're profiting. All these items are worth more than what we spent. We will sell the items that we don't need and will get more than what we spent for the wood," says Buggy.

"Oh, that's right. Your sense of money is always good, Captain," says Cricket.

"Of course, if not, my crew will swindle me, HAHAHA," says Buggy jokingly.

The other 3 sweatdrops at it and Enel says, "As if we dare to swindle you even if your sense of money is bad. We still love our lives."

"So you love your life, huh? Then do you love money too?" asks Buggy.

"Of course," replies Enel.

"Then go take care of the next enemies and your debt will be paid off," says Buggy.

"Really?!" asks Enel surprisedly.

"Yeah," says Buggy.

Enel gets very spirited and immediately chases the incoming enemies. He worked hard to fight them while the other 3 just rob the ship. The attacks finally stop and Enel is dead tired now after fighting 28 ships alone. This idiot is desperate to get his pocket money back because he can't buy anything like his crewmates now.
You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Clicking that power stone/like also seem to be a good choice, hehe.

I've uploaded:
1. Chapter 176 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater
2. Chapter 187 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 1Where stories live. Discover now