This charming man pt 2

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This Charming Man

Chapter 2: Chapter One


Orin and Seymour meet for the first time.

(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text
The clock's hour hand was just past five, and Orin's dentistry was dead silent. His last patient had just left with a few stitches and scars from novocaine needles. Orin sighed and hung his black apron up inside one of the many rooms that lined the hallway, then left it to retrieve his leather jacket from the lobby.

He slipped the garment on, pocketed a small container of nitrous oxide, and zipped it up. Orin flared the jacket's collar and checked his greased hair in the mirror, then shut the lights off and left for the evening, ready to pick up his girlfriend for dinner.

Seymour sorted the pots in the backroom of the flower shop while a few remaining customers purchased bouquets and ferns. That strange plant he had discovered was great for business; the shop had more customers than ever now.

He was pleased with his organizing and stood up as the customers left, thanking Mr. Mushnik for the service. Seymour walked up to the counter and smiled broadly. "Good day today, sir!"

Mr. Mushnik smiled and nodded, eagerly counting out the day's earnings. "That's for sure! That plant of yours is a miracle ! Look what it's done for business!" He grabbed his coat from the rack behind him.

"We're closing up early?" Seymour leaned on the counter.

"Sure are," Mushnik grinned. "No need for any more business, and I deserve it." He headed to the door and waved to Seymour before walking out.

The florist sighed and started towards the basement door, until he heard a high, feminine voice from the back room.

"Seymour, have you seen my purse?" Audrey called out to him, walking into the room.

"What's it look like?" Seymour squinted through his glasses.

"A red one, with flowers on it." She reached up to fix her dress. "Do I look alright?"

"You look wonderful." Seymour reached behind the shop counter and grabbed Audrey's bag. "This one?"

She smiled and took it. "Yes! That one. Thank you." Audrey reached into it and checked its contents, then looked up, eyes wide.

"What?" He furrowed his brow. "What's wrong?"

"Uh, nothin'." She fixed her dress again, and then it became apparent.

In the distance, not too far off, a motorcycle rumbled. Seymour could hear laughing. He had forgotten about Audrey's date with her boyfriend entirely.

The engine came closer, until it was just outside and then shut off. Audrey took a deep breath and then stepped into the back doorway, Seymour following.

Orin hopped off his bike and smiled devilishly, looking at Audrey. "All ready?"

Audrey nodded. Orin looked between the two, then looked Seymour up and down. "Who've we got here?"

Audrey piped up. "Seymour. He works with me."

"Does he?" Orin raised an eyebrow and stepped closer to both of them. He looked down at Seymour, and spoke far too loud for comfort. "Seymour what ?"

"Krelborn," Seymour answered. "Seymour Krelborn." He swallowed dryly. "A-And you are?"

"Orin Scrivello, D.D.S." He grinned widely.

"Uh- D.D.S.?" Seymour asked.

"Doctor of dental surgery," Orin said in a mocking tone. "You know what that is, nerd?"

"Yes," he nodded.

"Good. He's got some brains." He stepped back and looked Audrey up and down, then got on his motorcycle. Audrey rushed to grab the handles and push the bike back so that Orin could get them out of the alley.

The dentist looked Seymour up and down. He smiled slightly and flashed his teeth before revving up the motorcycle once Audrey was on. They left quickly, speeding off before Seymour could analyze the situation.

The florist blinked, shaking his head with a sigh. He returned to the shop and shut the back doors, trying not to think too much.

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