Little shop of homos pt 4

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Little Shop of Homos

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 - Consideration


Orin drives Seymour home, and the Urchins aren't too happy

CW: Allusions to past abuse, but nothing outright stated
Chapter Text
Seymour had never been so afraid in his life. In all his years on this Earth, through all his broken hearts and bones. In all his time spent as a suffering young orphan wondering when he'd next be able to eat. Nothing compared to how much he feared for his life on the back of Orin's motorbike. With not a helmet between them, Seymour was so sure this would be his end.

To call him a reckless driver would be a compliment. Seymour supposed Orin treated the road like he did his patients; with no respect and intent to cause pain. Seymour almost wished to be back in that dentist chair having his wisdom teeth ripped out, wide awake. His gums still ached, but the fear of his imminent death was causing his body to surge with adrenaline. So with the pain throbbing less and less, it made it easier for him to think of that chair as comforting. Especially  in comparison to this.

Seymour had his arms wrapped around Orin's waist. But like, in a straight way. He tried not to press his chest against Orin's back. Of course, when they swerved suddenly to avoid crashing into an SUV, it's not like he could avoid contact.

Seymour really  didn't want to appear gay, so he resisted the urge to burry his face in the back of Orin's neck as clung to him for dear life. He wanted to know Orin's scent. Did he use cologne? Seymour liked to imagine he used a woody scent. One that smelt like a forest after a heavy rain. The smell of damp wood, bark still rough to the touch. Water dripping from the leaves above, glistening in newly risen sunlight. How he wanted to escape to such a place. That is, if Orin didn't kill him.

Before Seymour knew it, Orin parked the bike outside the shop, almost crashing into a phone pole. "This is your stop."

"Th-Thank you, Dr. Scrivello," Seymour muttered, trying to catch his breath. He wasn't quite ready to get off the bike yet. "Y-You almost killed me, many times. So I guess we're even?"

Orin laughed. "I wouldn't call that even, Krelborn."

Seymour was about to ask him to elaborate when he heard a voice.

"Well, well, well..." Chiffon said as she folded her arms. The other three urchins stood behind her, emitting an intimidating aura. "Look who it is."

"And look who he's with," Chantelle said over Chiffon's shoulder with a judging glare.

"H-Hey girls," Seymour stuttered, almost falling on his face as he got off of the bike.

"Don't 'hey girls' us, Seymour," Ronette said, pushing past the other girls and walking up to him. "What's he  doing here?"

"I, uh..." Seymour glanced at Orin before looking back at the angry girls in front of him. "Can we talk about this later--?"

"No, you are gonna tell us," Ronette stated.

"And you're gonna tell us," Crystal agreed, taking a step forward. "Right. Now!" She was by far the tallest in the group, and she used her height to her advantage as she loomed over Seymour threateningly.

"Mmhmm," Chiffon agreed, folding her arms as she gave Seymour an expectant look.

"W-Well, you see I... I was, and I, uh..." Seymour started to fidget with his hands. He had no idea what to say. He couldn't exactly say in front of Orin the real reason he went. And he could say the other   real reason he went. But he didn't want to lie. So what was he meant to tell them?

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