Little shop of homos pt 6

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Little Shop of Homos

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 - Control


Seymour and Orin act gay on the way to the club

A little bit short, a lot gay
Chapter Text
The walk was surprisingly calming. Seymour had expected them to be in a constant state of strained silence. Despite the fact they weren't talking, there wasn't a hint of tension in the air.

Whenever Seymour sneaked a glance at Orin, he looked calm. Nothing like the uncomfortable anxious man Seymour had seen alone in his office. It was strange to see him so relaxed when Seymour clearly wasn't. It's not that he was uncomfortable in Orin's company. It's just that Seymour had never really been out on the town before. He didn't often leave the shop, let alone at night. Needless to say, he wasn't really sure where they were going.

Orin didn't try to force a conversation with Seymour, as if he could sense his apprehension. Seymour did appreciate that, but he felt like he was drowning in the silence he was responsible for creating.

"Hey, uh..." He probably should have thought of something to say before opening his mouth.

"Yeah?" Orin said, seemingly surprised by Seymour's sudden voice. 

"Where are we going?" He eventually decided to ask.

"The Gutter," Orin replied casually. "You heard of it?"

"Yeah, I've heard of it alright..." Seymour didn't mind the silence so much anymore. However, what is broken can not be undone, so Orin continued talking.

"I'm not sure if she told you, but I..." Orin tried to think of the best way to phrase it. "I met Audrey there."

"She did tell me." Seymour wasn't very keen on this topic.

"Ah, right," Orin said with a nod. "Well, that's the only place within walking distance. I hope you don't mind."

"I, uh," Seymour stopped himself from saying 'it's fine'. Cause it really wasn't. "It's whatever."

Orin nodded. "Hey Krelborn. You aren't nervous, are you?"

Seymour nodded. "A little."

Orin didn't say anything in response. Not even a nod or change in expression. Seymour felt like he had to fill the silence.

"Well, a lot, actually," he said with a half hearted chuckle. "I've never had a male friend before, so I don't really know what a 'boys' night' entails." There was still no reply, so he kept talking. "I've never been out at night, yunno. I've left the shop at night before, but I haven't ever really gone out . Haven't gone wandering. And I've definitely  never been to a night spot."

"Seriously?" Orin replied in shock. "You've never  been out?"

"Yeah, never," he reluctantly replied. Despite his resentment for the man, Seymour couldn't help wanting Orin to think highly of him. He didn't want to appear as lame, even though he dressed specifically to achieve that look.

"So you're telling me you're a club virgin, and I'm taking you to The Gutter?"

Seymour got a bit flustered at the use of the word 'virgin'. "I-I guess?"

"Well in that case," Orin stopped walking. "You should know this place is a bit... tacky."


"So just keep in mind, there are better  clubs around town--"

"Right." Seymour tried cutting him off, but Orin anxiously continued.

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