Jealous much orin

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jealous much, Orin?


Seymour doesn't really know when someone's flirting with him. His innocence attracts Orin but when someone else tries to flirt with Seymour... well let's just say Orin doesn't take that too well.

(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:
Seymour was never exactly good with flirting. He also never could tell if someone liked him,  if they were interested in what he was saying, or if they just wanted to fuck him and leave. His innocence and vulnerability was something that the DDS had found himself falling desperately for, however it was also something he always found himself despising. Seymour's innocence was something that others loved to exploit and nothing bugged Orin more than someone flirting with what belonged to him. Only he could use Seymour's innocence against him, the idea of someone else doing it made his blood burn.

Orin, just like normal, was down at the bar with his sweet Seymour sitting in the stool beside him. Seymour was sipping off of Orin's whisky pathetically; after all, his face soured at each sip, which sent Orin into little chuckles watching him. That's when a man snaked over and began flirting with Seymour. Orin glared and almost even growled as he watched the pair talk. His watched the man place a disgusting hand upon Seymour's thigh and he swore if he didn't have a reputation to keep up, he would've ripped his hand off.

He could very obviously tell that Seymour had no clue that the man was attempting to seduce him and most likely just believed that this man was interested in his strange plants. Once the man squeezed at Seymour's thigh, he shot up. Orin wrapped an arm around Seymour, and pulled him out of the chair. "It's time to go, kid," Orin glared and then looked at the man with a smile. It was normal to most, but for Seymour, who was learning what was just behind those walls, he could see the anger flashing through. Seymour gulped and felt his nerves rising.

The man gave his number to Seymour with a purr, "Keep in touch, cutie." Orin squeezed Seymour's shoulder feeling his anger spilling out. He practically dragged Seymour out of the bar.

"O-Orin!" Seymour was so confused as the pair were heading towards Orin's bike. Orin had let go to unlock his bike so Seymour gently tapped him to ask, "You're mad, did I do something wrong?"

Orin's face twisted to a more deadpanned glare as he turned his head around, "Get on."

Seymour was so nervous, but did as directed and nervously clung to Orin during the bike ride. One thing he'd never get used to is riding Orin's bike. It made him all the more shaky, swearing that Orin wanted him to fall off.

«  • »

The pair had finally arrived at Orin's. They rarely went there together because it was more uptown and really, anything that they could do, they could do in Seymour's room. Still, Seymour had just now opened his eyes. He followed Orin, who was now holding his hand, and mumbled, "Orin, will you talk to me, please?" Still, all he received was silence.

Finally they got into Orin's room and that's when Seymour was suddenly thrown into bed. Seymour was surprised and looked at Orin with a nervous glance while Orin was rummaging through his drawers. "I bet you really liked that tonight, hm?" Orin grunted and Seymour shot up.

"Liked what?" Seymour asked, watching Orin go through a box with curious, yet concerned eyes.

Orin laughed but it was unlike his usual high one or even the chuckles he gave Seymour. This one was cold and angry, without a hint of friendliness in it. Orin then stood up with a newfound smile. "Found it."

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