" Ayanokoji-kun.....I'm stuck."

Start from the beginning

" I suppose so, but...in most cases, turtles can extend their necks and use their legs to flip over. The only turtles that absolutely can't right themselves are giant tortoises and sea turtles." Kiyopon replied, clearly not understanding the meaning behind Horikita's words.

Sasuga, Kamipon-sama! Turtle specialist of Class 1-D ! 🐢🐢🐢

".........." Horikita fell silent in the call which made Kiyopon confused.

" Horikita?" He checked if she was still there.

".... I sometimes forget how much of a dork you can be, Ayanokoji-kun." She said in an amused tone.

" Huh?"

" I'll be more direct with you then. It seems like....you didn't understand what I was trying to say nor did you get the implication of it. " she said.

What implication? He wondered to himself.

" Could you please come to my room?" she said in an embarassed tone.

" Your....room?" Kiyopon suddenly began getting nervous about where this was heading.

Was she going to prank him in her room?

Hit him?

Get revenge for something he doesn't remember deserving of revenge?

A thousand scenarios ran through his head at this very moment.

" Oh....and if you have any food.....could you please bring that too?" She added.

" Sure...." Kiyopon softly agreed.

And then the call ended.


Kiyopon managed to reach Horikita's room undetected while holding a container full of the food he had just made.

Kiyopon knocked on the door but there was no response.

" Horikita?" He called but there was still no response.

Kiyopon tried opening the door and to his suprise, it wasn't locked.

" I'm...coming in." He announced before walking inside her room.

He had been here a couple of times. Horikita's room was a one-bedroom and kitchen model. Kiyopon glanced around and noticed that Horikita didn't buy much decorations like usual.

The bedroom door was locked. Kiyopon didn't see Horikita in the hallway or kitchen so he assumed she was in there.

" ....You're here now?" Horikita's voice says behind the door.

" Yeah." Kiyopon replied.

It was silent now before Kiyopon heard some shuffling in the bedroom and that same mentallic sound that he had heard during their call.

The shuffling  stopped and Horikita spokr once more, albeit in that same embarassed tone.

" Okay....you can open the door." She said.

Kiyopon Can't Communicate!Where stories live. Discover now