I promise

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One month later

Karracue a cute Lil mama she beautiful as hell, her bein pregnant ain't even a problem I don't even mind.

"Nigga who you textin now" my homeboy Q said to me

"A model nigga,she ain't ghetto or weave wearing eitha"

"Oh shit you got a white bitch" he said laughing

"To be forreal I don't think she white"

"What is she.?" He she'd lookin confused

"I think like Mexican"

He nodded then snatched my out my hands

"She pregnant.?" He asked as he read or messages


"Oh hell na.! You whipped"

"Who whipped" my otha homeboy nino said coming into my living room

"Durk is whipped" Q said to him

"What he do now"

"Boi got a white pregnant Bitch"

"Man she ain't white sand we ain't even together" I said taking my phone from him

"What's her name, Brittany, Ashley, Clair" Q asked

"Its clair , she be like, omg durk watch my tummy" Nino said in a white girl choice whole holding his stomach

"No she be like, Derek I want you to come home and be a father to our child" Q answered

"It aint my baby"

They looked at eachother then back at me.

"THE BABY AIN'T YOURS.?!" they yelled together

"No and her name not Clair it's Karracue"


"Karracue that sexy assss model.?" Nino asked

I nodded and continued to text her, maybe she really do for me whipped.

"Baby I'm hungry" Jazmine whined as she was eating her yogurt

This was normal Jazmine was always hungry even when she was eating its 1am and she is usually sleep by now but she ain't.

"Jaz you eating yogurt" I said as I was trying to watch my show Hip Hop in Atlanta

Don't judge me this my shit.

"But I want something else this heathly stuff isn't working" she whined

Oh yeah the doctor told her if she aren't healthier it would keep her fuller longer but his ass lied like a mf because she always hungry.

"Jaz im tired"

"I'm sorry baby I'll leave you alone"

Once my show went off I looked over at Jazmine and she was sleep with the yogurt in her hand

I kissed her cheek then her stomach then I went to sleep right along with her.

Me and honey have been happy I honestly think I wanna marry this girl, she all I want and she all I need, she at all my shows front and center.

That's my baby for life.

"Chris are you still woke.?"

"Yeah baby Wassup" I said giving her my full attention

"I'm scared Chris"

"Why baby" I said as I sat up

"You still work for jazmines dad, aren't you gonna stop I be worried when I wake in the middle of the night and you aren't here next to me"

"Baby look at me, Ima quit I swear IMA quit baby as soon as I get the opportunity ima stop all of us are"

"Promise me"

"I promise"

After that she kissed me then she played back down and before I knew it I heard light snores indicating she was sleep.

Me and Derek aren't together but sometime he stays the night and helps me when I'm feeling stressed out, he's a real gentlemen when I'm with him he doesn't let me pay for anything.

I couldn't sleep because royal's been kicking all night but it wasn't bothering me one bit

Then all of a sudden I felt The bed get wet underneath me I looked down and I realized My water broke.

"Derek.!" I yelled

He instantly for up and looked at me

"My water just broke" I added taking deep breaths

"Okay ima get the baby bag and you put your jacket on, I did as he said and then I changed My pants then I waited for him, about a minute later he came and swooped me up and carried me to his car.
**4 hours later**

I was ready to push when Chris came barging in the hospital room.

"Okay ms.Tran we need you to push on the count of 3" the doctor said

"Kara you can do this Common" Chris said

I looked at him then squeezed his hand trying to feel a little better


"FUCKKKKKK CHRISSSS IM GONNA KILL YOU" I screamed as I puBrown one more push"

I didn't even wait until he counted to 3 I just wanted this to be over with the pain was unbearable and I couldn't take it any longer.

A few moments later I heard screams of a baby.

My baby.

And Royal Aria Brown was born July,8th.

Trap Queen (Love Story)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara