Jungwon choked on his spit at the sight. Forgetting what he was trying to say, he smirked instead. "Well don't you look hot..." Was mumbled.

Jay just chuckled and made his way over to the couch and sat down beside the shorter male. "what are you all dressed up for?" Jungwon asked curiously. As far as he knows, they're just staying inside the whole day. "You'll see." Jay put on an innocent smile.

Jungwon huffed. But also he felt a sense of hope. Maybe there's a surprise waiting for him? That'd be cool, he hasn't gotten one of those in a while. Or maybe they're going on a date? He's always wanted to go on one. There was so many possibilities but he wasn't going to jump to conclusions.

"Cmon let's go." Jay stood up and extended his hand for the other to take. Jungwon grabbed his hand and stood up as well, letting out "Go where?"

"Like I said, you'll see." Jay shot a wink Jungwon's way. The brunette just shook his head at the silly action. The two left the house after locking up and hopped in Jay's car. It reminded them off all the times they'd ride to school together. They agreed to put on some new release kpop songs while driving to this 'mysterious location' only Jay knew about.

It was a bit of a ways away plus snow had covered the streets so it wasn't exactly safe to be out right now. Either way that wasn't going to stop them from going.

Jungwon's mouth hung agape when he noticed they reached their destination. It confused him why he was taken here of all places. Either way he was a bit excited.

"Ice skating?" Jungwon asked. Jay nodded as he was focused on parking the car. " I would've worn different clothes knowing we'd go here."

"Dont worry, you'll be fine." Jay assured. There's multiple meanings behind why he chose this place to go, but that will be found out later. Both males exit the car and walk inside. The building was rather big and connected to an indoor mall.

Jungwon was surprised upon walking in at the fact they were the only ones there besides the employees. He thought it was strange the parking lot was near empty. "Are you sure they're not closed today or something?" Jungwon asked. "Yes I'm sure, I rented this place out."

Jungwon stopped in his tracks and turned around to face the blonde. "You what?!" The younger screeched in surprise. Jay was startled by this and put a hand on youngers shoulder to calm him down. "Relax Won. We're in a tight situation, we can't have anyone seeing us together, remember?"

Jungwon mouthed 'oh' before looked down, "But like isn't that expensive?" Jay just shrugged, "Not that bad, now cmon." He grabbed the youngers hand and dragged him to the skate fitting counter.

Jungwon told the lady his shoe size and she came back with a pair of skates for him. Same with Jay. They gave her their regular shoes and then found a bench to sit at while they put on their skates.

Jungwon stood up quickly but began wobbling because the last time he went ice skating was when he was little. Jungwon giggled and held onto the rail provided. "Hurry up hyung I wanna skate!"

Jay scoffed, "You can barely stand Won." Jungwon held a pout, "That doesn't matter." The blonde finally stood up with his skates tightly laced. "But it does." He then leaned forward and gave Jungwon a quick peck.

Jungwon instantly started blushing, "Y-yah! We're in public."

"Define public. The staff that aren't even paying attention to us? Its just us here really." Jay replied back with smug smile. "Whatever..." Jungwon mumbled before rushing onto the ice.

To no surprised he slipped instantly and almost fell if Jay didn't catch him. "Thanks-" Jungwon got out of his hold and went to the rails. "You need help?" Jay chuckled seeing the concentration on the others face.

"I'm fine hyung." Jungwon quickly found his balance and attempted to skate without the rails. Jay was actually impressed on how fast he learned to keep steady.

The two spent about 15 minutes getting the basics of ice skating down. They finally reached a point where they didn't need the rails but even then they still fell quite a few times. Jay felt it was time. He pulled out his phone from his back pocket and texted his friends the signal.

Within minutes all of the lights in the rink shut off except for one. Jungwon got scared and latched onto Jay who was beside him. "Hyung what-"

Then appeared five familiar boys on the rink. Sunghoon held a cake given he was the most experienced with skating and anyone else would drop it. There was candles lit with icing words. As he approached the pair, Jungwon read the words as his eyes went wide. The other four trailed behind him, obviously failing at ice skating.

"Yes!!" Jungwon screamed and turned around and latched himself onto Jay in a tight hug. The words
"Will you be my boyfriend?" Written on the cake with a little sheep drawn next to it for fun.

Jay almost lost his balance and fell with Jungwon clung onto him. Thankfully that didn't happen and he steadied himself, returning the hug and buried his face in the youngers neck. They stayed like that for a while, forgetting their friends were all watching. When pulling away Jungwon had tears in his eyes that you could barely see but Jay caught it.

"Aww Won dont cry..." Jay cupped the youngers cheeks as he felt tears falling onto them. "I love you, ok?" Jungwon felt his emotions take over and he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Jay's neck and closed the gap between their faces. Ni-ki fake gagged while the others cooed.

They passionately kissed and very much in the moment forgetting their friends. Heesung coughed intentionally to catch their attention. The two pulled away with blush coating their cheeks.

"Thanks guys for doing all of this a-and-" Jungwon's voice was still shaky as happy tears kept falling sporadically.

"Its no problem, we want you to be happy." Jake answered with a smile.


Everyone turned to the noise to see Sunoo's hand in the air as Jay let out a groan of pain. "Sunoo!!" Jungwon gasped in surprise. They all stared in shock at what happened.

"Thats for hurting Jungwon. He may forgive you but I don't. None of you had to witness what I did, you broke my best friend for a while. I've never seen him so upset and shattered like that so this is well deserved Mr.Park." Sunoo finished saying in one go. Ni-ki skated up to them and pulled Sunoo away from Jay. "Hyung what is wrong with you?!" The pink haired male just shrugged, "Dont tell me he didn't deserve it." Ni-ki sighed, "But he did all of this because he cares hyung!"

"Okay, good for him. I'm glad they're happy now. He just needed to pay for what I had to witness and for Won had to go through." Sunoo replied with a shrug and skated to where the rest stood. Jungwon went up to Jay and held his cheek where he was slapped, "Sorry about that-"

"Dont be, he's right. I deserve it." Jungwon just nodded. He hated to admit Sunoo was right but just went about it in the wrong way.

"So...can we eat the cake?" Heesung interrupted. Ni-ki was also eager to eat the delicious treat so he chimed in, "Yeah, can we?" Jungwon giggled and motion for them to exit the rink. Sunghoon followed behind with the cake and made it the exit first. He hopped out and found a bench big enough to fit all seven of them.

The rest made it eventually, they weren't the strongest skaters. After sitting down staff came with plates and silverware.

"How'd they know to-" Jungwon tried to ask but was cut off, "I told them to. It was apart of this arrangement." Jay answered. "Ah okay."

The boys waisted no time and dug into the cake. They talked and had a good time before finishing and going to skate for another hour or so. They thought to make use of the money spent renting the rink out. Sunghoon also put on a show of spins and jumps. Jungwon couldn't be any happier to know things played out well. His broken heart mended.


Don't forget to vote! Also thank you to all who enjoy my story, hope this chapter was okay

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