b2/ ch 10/ Bad Dreams

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I rested my head in toph's lap as we looked at the stars from the bottom area of the boat, we looked at the constellations, toph pointing somewhere, and me describing what it looks like.

"how about there?" She asks pointing to a particularly bright star. 

"That star is Serivian, I used to hear stories about it in the Air Temples,  Without someone able to bend light we can't see if it's a planet or not, but from the Northern Air Temple, it had a violet coloring and was seen as 'a prophecy', but no one could figure it out."

I heard her chuckle before dosing off with the sound of the sea, the birds overhead, and the lulling of the boat.


It's back to the cactus juice simulator, the vibrant grass was now covered in bright pink flowers, gemstone in the middle. I looked around to see I'm in a different part of the spirit world. Memory pools. I looked inside a few of them, ignoring the music from a few of them. one of them caught my eye... the same one as before.

without a second thought, I jumped inside.


once my head hit the pool and I became myself, just like last time. I moved my hands to touch my face and it seemed to be covered in white paint...

Is this the future? Am I a Kiyoshi warrior? it is a memory!

"Hey, you okay Ren?" I heard Katara ask in her usual tone, she was holding a baby, Kya.

"Yeah I'm fine Katara, why do you ask?"
She shook her head.
"Ren, you have to let him go." She handed me the baby, who cooed at me softly immediately making me smile. I felt the remorse this time, the failure of a parent...

"I know, I know, you told me the story about Oma and Shu many times" I smile playing with the tiny bundle of joy. the tears fell down my cheeks,

"not that one darling... Ren... your tears..." Katara said bending them off of the makeup.

"Where did dad go he was just here??" Asked the little boy, Bumi,
"Hey Katara, can I tell you something that happened a long, long, Time ago?"

She pointed to her now-husband and the little boy ran to hug him, Kya was being rocked in my arms subconsciously.

"when Toph and I first got together... kinda... we didn't really talk about what we had yet... I used to sing her funny little songs and tell her about the stars. at some point, we made a little story of gay space rocks and one about a chaotic girl with issues. but that's not the point. We talked about all of this."

"We talked about marriage and... kids... and everything.... but I never thought that something like this could have happened."

I quickly gave Katara her baby and looked at the party, mostly people from the fire nation and earth kingdom colonies... I hope this doesn't lead to something terrible under Zuko's reign... Katara had moved away and I spotted toph... in police armor... I looked away and went to get something from the food table.

I heard the footsteps and bounded away with some noodle chili and tea, earning a little bit of an audience who clapped at my flexibility. I avoided toph and blended into a secret alcove in the courtyard, I could see the party completely from here.


I awoke to Toph kissing my forehead and pushing me up to the bench. We continued our travels, I didn't tell Toph about the dream(?)... i wonder why I was avoiding her.

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