B2/ Ch 6 - Kiyoshi Island

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- ren -

After we landed Aang ran off with Katara and began exploring the island, the war is over and I guess I haven't processed that. I wandered the island not bothering with people... but there is one guy talking to a pole?

I explored the market and the statues around, nothing out of the ordinary... other than the fact that toph is erecting statues of herself on the beach when I joined her.

"Toffee... can we talk?" my anxiety was crushing me... what if she didn't like me the same way.. or if she doesn't like the baby...

"Why are you nervous Ikkiku? it's just me around... also you are a bit more heavy-footed than normal." Sh remarks sassily, but is still patient enough for me to explain.

"Toph... back when I was adopted in the earth kingdom... I had an incident... it means a lot to have you hear this but it's still difficult to say..."

She sat in the sand and patted the ground next to her I sat with her and laid my head on her lap.

"Something happened... one thing led to another and now I'm on the run from the earth kingdom... probably... but I also have something else.."

Toph waited patiently trying to understand what I was trying to say, she eventually understood after about 15 minutes of rambling.

"I get it... and Katara already told me, she knew how nervous you were to tell anyone. she told the whole group... except for twinkle toes... she wanted to give you a chance to express how you feel to someone close to you."

I felt angry but happy that I didn't have to tell her, I just leaned against her body which was warm with little bits of sand blowing into our hair and muddling our sight, just listening to the water,

"Oh, Ren? I love you." She said abruptly kissing me, I was surprised, to say the least, but I kissed her back, comfortable.


... Zuko is baby

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