b 2/ Ch 2 - different

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-- Ren --

Toph lead me through the halls of the Palace, it was extremely warm and I was given some extra clothes to change into.

The earthbender pulled me into an empty room and pulled me to the bed, I followed her lead and sat next to her.

"What did you want to talk abou-" "do you want to travel around with me?"

"Toph, you want me, to travel with you, like just the two of us?" "Yeah... I think it would be fun"

"Okay, I'll go, it would be great!" I smiled, and pulled her to her feet, "but first I'm going to have to talk to Katara, shes a healer and I've been feeling weird since i got up."

"Yeah, I'll come with, I think she's with her boyfriend."

"Wait, Katara? As in mom? Has a boyfriend?" I asked confused while following the female.


I know it's a lot shorter right now but I'm going to do a time skip in the next chapter, and I'm not giving any details right now.

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