b2/ch 3 - Surprise!

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I sat in the room with Katara, Aang, Toph, and Zuko.

We were drinking some tea Zuko made, it was bitter but warm.

"So, Katara.... can we talk?" I asked motioning to the door, I felt very uncomfortable in the red firenation dress,

The water bender nodded and pulled me out of the room and into the hall.
I know that the red string tied to me was stretching and moving until we stopped.

" what did you need Ren?" She asked whispering at a low volume,

"Well.. when I was adopted, something happened. And u was wondering if you could see if anything was wrong?"
I said hearing a gentle hum and some music play in my head.

She nodded and pulled me into her room, it wasn't awkward 'at all' when she took off the over layers and gently put me in a pool.

I couldn't see or feel anything, I just heard the gentle rolling of waves crashing over one another.

"Oh. My. God." She stuttered out as the waves stopped rolling, she gently pulled me out and dried me off.

"Is something wrong?" I asked feeling major pain go through my spine.

" nothing wrong persay.... just... I'm sorry... I don't know how to say this..."

She mumbled on and on about how young I am and how stressful it will be.

"Katara! Just tell me.." I said in a soft voice full of concern.

"Ren... Darling..... your pregnant..."

The world went dark.

*time skip brought to you by cactus juice*

I awoke in a bed, the sheets and blankets were soft... too soft, I couldn't breath. I pushed them off and fell to the floor, quietly, it was warm, so I stood and wandered not even sure where you go, I wasn't paying attention and walked straight into a door, it opened so I walked in and immediately found the throne room. I crawled up on the hard throne and cried until I fell back asleep, no words, sounds, movement, just the wind.

A: sorry for taking so long!! I'll be making a short to this soon!!!

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