The MaNan Movie - Such a Sham!

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I just finished watching the stupid MaNan 'movie' and it was such a sham! If we really wanted to see the older episodes again, we could've just wanted them again on Voot. And did we really need one more edited version of the MaNan story? Don't we have enough made by fans themselves? And good ones too! We didn't need Voot to edit one more.

But that's not the worst part. I'm very disappointed at the extremely shoddy job they have done! They ruined the whole show and how! Manik and Nandini didn't even bother to shoot the 'reliving moments' but just added their voices (which I think they recorded on their phones and sent to voot) to scenes we all have seen a 1000 times.

Although I didn't expect them to come up with a new story, but they could've done a few scenes about the two of them reliving their story, some romance, some cute banters, something worthwhile! But this was just utter crap!

And if they wanted ideas for a plot; there are so many available on Wattpad itself! They didn't have to go too far! But clearly, they just wanted to fool the fans!

And the worst part is that fans are still loving this crappy movie. Raise your standards people!

All you fans have waited and waited and waited for something from them for years and this is the half-baked and half-hearted crap they give us? I can't think of any TV show on Indian Television or otherwise where fans have not given up for another season for years together. And this is what they come up with? A horrible song with NO lyrics and romancing in pretty backgrounds (which looked so forced and the same scenes have been repeating throughout) and a crappy edit of the old episodes? Don't we deserve better content for our loyalty to the show?

They have clearly shot this in one day! Just for the heck of it! And it can be seen in the output!

I watched this movie because I thought I'd get a little inspired to write after seeing something about Manik and Nandini's life when they're adults and grown up after season 3 but couldn't have been more disappointed!

Reality Ever Afterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें