Now, as I found out, you're a mother of your own, Sierra.

You are lucky enough to be financially stable, if it's because of Atlas or not. You'll never have to worry about all the money problems I worried about, and I am so relieved to know you don't have to.

But, please, just for a second, imagine being in my shoes. Imagine you've only had your daughters and no way to care for them properly. They'd only have a roof over their heads and maybe bread to eat.

And then this man offers you to take care of it all.

You agree, only to find out he's not sexually harassing your daughters. But there is a way out: Disappearing with him.

I bet you'd choose protecting your children over yourself. It's what every mother would do. Every mother that loves their children, at least.

Yes, maybe I should have given Cody and you up for adoption instead of getting myself into this deep shit. But I loved you two. I needed you two in my life, and I thought we could make it. I didn't think Sokolov would be...the way he is.

He seemed nice at first, when I met him. But you can't look inside of someone's head. You never know what kind of person someone truly is until they eventually show you. And he did show me. When it was too late already.

If I told him to get lost, not only would we have had more money problems than ever before...he would have gotten to you one way or another.

And if that was sneaking in only to get back at me.

Sierra, he would have done so much worse to you, even as a child.

I am trying to get rid of him so badly, you have no idea. I've been trying for so many years.

I thought I've only had to leave for a couple of years. I thought I could come back eventually and explain everything to the both of you and we could be happy again...but I was wrong. Sokolov is still around.

And now to a topic I know you will like even less...


Yes, I did threaten him. Yes, I told him to sleep with you, even if you didn't want to just yet.

And I know this isn't an excuse, but I tried to save you from Sokolov by bringing in Nico.

Now, you see, Sokolov found out you turned eighteen that year. That made you an adult. He thought it was less likely for him to get imprisoned if he slept with you at a legal age. Especially since rapists tend to not get punished at all.

"She's legal now. And most likely still a virgin since your daughter is sick in her head," had he said. I remember his words like he's said them yesterday.

I was so mad, Sierra.

Even though it had been nine years since I've left when you turned eighteen, you were still my little girl. I've celebrated every of your birthday. Cody's too. I've bought you gifts, even if you'd never get them. I had a cupcake each year with a candle. And I sent out birthday wishes to the both of you.

I'm telling you this because I want you to know, Sierra, that I have loved the two of you even when you couldn't receive that love from me.

Anyway...I figured, if he knew you weren't a virgin, Sokolov would lose interest in you. So I hit up the only family I've ever truly known.

The Storm's.

I found out Nico was your age, you were even already dating. It was...just there, you know?

I made Nico do it in order to save you from the man that you couldn't have escaped from.

It worked.

Sokolov was so disgusted when he saw the video, he wrote you off. You were no longer interesting.

And maybe I should regret threatening someone to rape my own daughter, but I don't.

I don't because even though it was wrong, it was still the better the option.

You have no idea how many tears I've cried for you. I don't want your sympathy by telling you this. Lord knows I don't deserve it.

You have every right to hate me, Sierra. I want you to hate me. I hate myself plenty for even getting involved with Sokolov in the first place, risking all those things...

But, Sierra, for how it turned out in the end, with him no longer being interested in you...I do not regret any choices I've made. And I never will.

I know it was better for you. Maybe someday you will realise it was. Maybe you won't. But that is alright, because I do pray you will never have to understand.

But, I would like to add something else, now that I've got your attention for a short moment.

I truly never thought you and Atlas would ever happen. I mean, he's your brother's best friend. I did not see that coming. If I had known you'd eventually be with him, I would've threatened any one but one of his siblings.

I can tell how happy Atlas makes you. God, you have children together.

I'm sure finding out Nico is his brother must have been shocking for you...and I sincerely apologise for it. If you couldn't have been happy with your husband because of my mistakes...I could never forgive myself for it.

Not that I would ever forgive myself for ruining your and your brother's lives.

I'm running out of space to write, but I've said everything there is to say anyway.

I love you, Sierra.

𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝑀𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇

Ps; Cody has a letter, too. Maybe you're lucky and he lets you read it.

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