Deity locked her car door and looked up, not expecting to see me I'm assuming. I watched as her eyes flickered from my outfit to my face.

"You look really nice." She said shyly. I smiled and told her 'thank you.'

"You look good too, and that's an understatement..." I trailed off, genuinely not having many cohesive thoughts at the moment.

Deity fiddled with the strap of her purse while muttering a 'thank you.'

Aw, she's nervous too.

I took notice of the distance she made between us and cocked an eyebrow, "I'm a stranger now or sum'? Come give me a hug Deity."

She giggled in response and came to give me a hug. Her arms found their way around my waist as mine did the same. I caught her familiar scent of vanilla and lavender, making my eyes damn near roll back.

I heard Deity sniff into my shirt, mentally laughing as I realized she was smelling me too.

"Can I tell you something?" She asked, the two of us still holding onto each other.

I nodded, "Yes."

"I'm nervous," she whispered sheepishly.

"Me too," I admitted, my tone mocking hers.

"Oh thank god." She muttered, and I could physically feel her body relax. We both began laughing.

She didn't know I felt just as relieved as her.

We pulled away from the hug and Deity grabbed my hand, leading me to the front of the restaurant. As we got closer I heard music coming from inside. I recognized the voice as Ella Fitzgerald, and I focused on it, already feeling comfortable where I was.

I opened the door for baby girl, but went back to blindly following as she lead me to the hostess's block. Majority of people must be eating outside, because it was a few empty tables.

An older black lady came out from the kitchen and greeted us with a warm smile.

"Good mornin' you two! Y'all ready to get seated, or waiting on other folks?" She asked, the southern drawl apparent in her voice.

"Yes please, it's just us two." Aphrodite answered for the both of us.

The woman nodded and grabbed two menus and two sets of cutlery from the shelf behind her. "Y'all prefer inside or outside seating?"

Aphrodite looked up at me in question.

I shook my head, "It's whatever you want pretty girl."

Deity blushed and looked back over at the lady, "Inside is fine."

We followed the woman further into the restaurant as we came up on an empty booth. Deity and I sat opposite of one another, and the hostess sat down our menus and cutlery.

"Y'all's waiter should be over in a moment to get your drink orders. You two enjoy yourselves now." She said.

We thanked her and took a look at the drink menu. Aphrodite noticed they had mimosas and decided she would order one when our waiter came by. At first I didn't want any, but Deity convinced me with little plead.

"The chicken and waffles sound good, but I feel like I get that every time I go to a brunch place," I said and Deity nodded in agreement.

"I think I want French toast...? But I want pancakes too, I don't know." Deity frowned at the menu in annoyance, bottom lip poking out slightly. I smiled slightly at the action, finding her tendencies cute.

Deity flipped over a page in the menu and looked up at me, "You know what you ordering?"

"I was literally looking at the same two things... so how about this?" I asked.

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