Chapter 5: Disordered

Start from the beginning

Canary didn't have an answer. At least not at first. The silence felt like it would drag on forever. I might as well reveal everything that's been bothering me. Over the past few minutes I've taken notice about how much power the Justice League really has, should the Division actually be activated and needed to help protect people or save the earth. There's not a really good chance that we'd be able to. Our weapons are ineffective against targets like the aliens in the simulation, the weapons that are effective aren't nearly in enough quantity or small enough to have the mobility we would need.

(Y/n): "How would you feel if you knew the next time the Justice League was needed... you wouldn't be able to do your job, to save the world, that you'd all fail."

Canary: "I don't know and I know there's nothing we can do right now to change that feeling... but your friends, they are all alive and they need you. Talk to them, you will all get through this together."

(Y/n): "Yeah, well they haven't exactly been willing to talk."

Canary: "Maybe, but you haven't tried."

(Y/n): "...who should I start with? How should I start? How do I begin to even understand what they went through?"

Canary: "Start with Zatanna, you comforted her in the cave after she witnessed her fathers death. I'm not asking you to do my job and help them through their trauma, but you need to talk to them. They are your friends and they will open up to you. Maybe, they will even find it a little easier than opening up to me."

(Y/n): "Alright, I'll give it a shot."

Canary: "You can also start by talking with Wally, and send Zatanna back when you leave, it's her turn.

I nodded my head and left. Canary's words ringing in my head 'just talk to them'. Yeah, I can do that... right?

Zatanna POV:

I sat in the kitchen with the team, we still haven't moved or said anything since (Y/n) left. I told my dad about what happened, he already knew before I got to see him. I guess Batman must have told him, it was probably better coming from him. I did tell him about how I reacted to (Y/n)'s "death" and how (Y/n) helped me after I thought he died. He took it rather well, he asked if (Y/n) knew but I don't think he does. The team hasn't really talked to one another since the exercise and I don't think any of the League's members who oversaw the exercise would tell him.

(Flashback to Zatanna's conversation with her dad)

Zatara: "How is (Y/n) handling it?"

Zatanna: "I don't know, I haven't spoken to him about it, or at all. The Team hasn't really been talking since it happened."

Zatara: "Just try to open up, they care about you. If you don't think you can do it, you can always talk to me, I will always be here for you."

Zatanna: "Alright..."

Zatara: "Zatanna, if you don't want to be on the Team anymore just say so. You won't be disappointing me or anyone else, and I will never force you to do something you don't want to."

Zatanna: "Ok dad, I don't know right now, but thanks..."

(Back to present)

I got up off the couch and moved to the table where (Y/n) sat. His papers were sprawled out across the table and the laptop was still open. I started looking through the papers and the intel on the laptop. They were all old information or reports that had already been given to the Justice League.

Wally: "Are you sure you should be looking through his stuff? I mean what if it's classified or whatever? You don't want to get in trouble?"

Zatanna: "Classified? It's all old information, stuff he went over before the exercise. Why would he be looking at it now?"

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