I shook my head disapprovingly. "Well I'm going to have to keep a close eye on you and see what I can do to help, however for now I'm going to dispose of this." I said then  jumped onto the ball pit borders and took a great leap towards my room, managing to grab the balcony and pull myself up onto it. I saw the rat, eating a piece of banana y/n had dropped before coming to sit with me. It seemed fine for now. I opened a few drawers above it and hid the knife under a load of books. Once that was sorted I put the rat in a cage with a wheel in it for it to run on, there was clean water in there and the banana remains in a bowl as well as a few toys I had made a long time ago. The reason I had this is because I really wanted a pet, and I had found mice and such around the place, but they always got exterminated. I had almost given up, but I kept with my hopes, and I now I could look after this fella, I was hoping she would let me keep it with me, I'd have to ask about it later.

I leaped down into the ball pit again, then waddled out to find Y/n right where I had left her, she was fidgeting about with something on her shoulders. "Hey sunshine are you ok?" She looked up with a pink tint aligning her cheeks. "O-oh uh y-yeah." She stuttered, bringing her hands to rest atop her knees, crossing her legs in the process. I tilted my head a bit, intrigued with her behaviour. "What were you doing just now?" I asked with a voice full of curiosity. "I-its nothing, I j-just was trying to f-f-fix something.." She shyly looked down at her legs. "What was it you were trying to fix Sunshine?" I pestered innocently, gazing at her intently as her face turned three shades darker. "I-it's really nothing Sun!" She was nervously playing with her sleeves again. She had pulled them down a bit and so a black strap was visible. I store at it in confusion, 'what's it connected to and why?' I thought curiously. "Y/n." She looked back up. "Is that strap what's bothering you?" Her face went into a deep red. "N-n-no Of course n-n-not! Why w-w-would it be d-d-doing so!? I-i-its nothing r-r-really I s-swear!" She spiraled into a panic and I picked her up and put her onto my lap, she squeaked and tried to get off, but I had a firm grip on her.

My right arm was wrapped around her lower waist, my other arm pulled the top of her shirt down a bit. "S-Sun p-p-please don't-" I ignored her pleas, I only pulled it down a bit to see the strap. I pulled a finger underneath it and rubbed it between my fingers in order to get a good feel of it. "If it's uncomfortable then take it off." I stated, retracting my finger to look at her, the other arm joining her waist. She looked so embarrassed that I felt a slight pinch of guilt. "It is bothering you though isn't it?" I said looking down at her softly. "I-I-I c-c-can't take it o-o-off though!" She exclaimed, pulling her hair a bit. I took her hands away and held them gently. "Do you need help?" She looked at me as if I was mad, face a deep dark red. "H-hey are you ok? Your face is really red-" She  took her hands out of mine and tried to get away. I held her down. "P-please let me go-" I store at her intently. "Just tell me what the strap is before I find out myself." I said seriously, My hands went under her shirt and settled down on her hips.

Her eyes were looking all over the place, looking for an escape route. I lifted them up higher. "S-sun you wouldn't u-understand!" She bit her lip. "Then help me understand, help me learn." They lifted higher, my eyes focused on hers. I felt some hard fabric now at the tips of my fingers. "D-don't-" I did. I looked down at where my hands were underneath her shir and blushed. 'wait- is this whats holding those melons up? OH MY GOD I'VE BEEN TOUCHING HER TITS THIS WHOLE TIME' I panicked, face heating up. She squirmed a little under my grasp, I tore my hands away with realisation. "I-I-I-I'm so sorry miss!" I kept repeating until she slapped me and I fell backwards. "o-ow..."  I rubbed my face, she was still sat on me, my body lay flat on the mats as she sat on where my crotch would be. "S-snap out of it! I-i-its okay.. I should've s-said... just d-d-don't do it again p-p-please.." She was filled with embarrassment, biting her lip and gripping her left arm tightly. "A-and I'm s-sorry for slapping you!" She exclaimed, trying to help me up. "I-its fine.. thanks for snapping m-me out of that.. I-I'm really sorry though.. I-I should've stopped." She shook her head, I was tugging at one of my rays a bit, it hurt but I still did it.

"Y-you didn't know and I-I don't expect you to.." She had calmed down a bit, not her face was only a light pink. "Thank god you don't have access to the internet..." She muttered quietly, probably hoping I didn't hear. Oh but she was wrong, I had seen some pretty weird things on there. I had access to the computers, I actually, well not me but.. 'We' stole an old computer and used it to look at stuff and one night 'we' dug into stuff a bit deeper, I don't know what he saw, but he did everything he could to not let me see it. I did see things like deadly fatal wounds and stuff though. I also learned the word tits from moon, he said its what those mounds on women were called, it didn't sound best appropriate though.

Y/n pulled my hands away from my rays, similar to what I had done to her. "Stop that.. You'll hurt your self sunny.." She whispered in concern. "O-ok.. I really hate to ask again.. b-but can you e-explain the thing about- y-y-you know..." I looked away embarassed. She gave a small smile. "This thing I'm wearing is called a bra, I'd show you, but it's not best appropriate.. It holds my uhm, b-breasts up..." She said nervously, still holding my hands and gripping them a bit tighter, not seeming to realise. 'Breasts? Is that another word for tits? A more polite word?' I thought, very intrigued. 'I'll look it up later!' "I see, that makes sense. Thanks." She smiled a bit more and let go of my hands. "Why don't we try to get to know eachother a bit better? Put all this other stuff behind us?"  She said with hope. I nodded. "Sure Sunshine! Lets go have some fun!" 

(2144 words)

{DISCONTINUED}My Darling Clowns  (Fnaf Sun/Moon x  Fem!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now