"So...I-it's sorta like your dream trawler, Xiao?"Lumine asked curiously.

"Hmm...Sort of but not quite. But it does carry a similar principal though I believe. Yokai arts and the adepti arts do share some similarities."Xiao explained. "However Yokai rely more on the yin energies while the adepti rely on yang energy."

"I see."

"Clever lil' bird as always. The mirror reflects Inazuma from a begone age so spirits will easily be drawn to it."confirmed Yae as she moved over to stand by the stool. However Xiao's eyes grew wide as he swiftly realized fast to step Infront of her.

"You want to use Lumine as an anchor for this medium, damn kitsune. What if that spirit has ill intentions?"he hissed. The way his pupils had narrowed to dangerous slits and his posture lumine knew Xiao did not approve of this one bit. The protective anger Lumine could sense from him casting an ominous aura as his karma threatened to stir, bringing a shaking breath from him as he tightened his clenched fists in restraint. The venomous voices that never left him alone clear agitating him. Lumine didn't like the idea either but slowly went over and took his now bleeding hand, his sharp nails having dug into the palm of his hand.

"Oh you still don't trust lil' ol' me? I'd never let anything happen to your darling mate."mock pouted Miko, crossing her arms.

"Xiao I admit, I'm scared...B-But i trust Miko. If you can't bring yourself to trust her can you trust and have faith in me?"urged Lumine softly. "Just like I do in these scarred hands that have protected me and many others."

Xiao could only stare before offering an annoyed and defeated groan at the look she gave him. It was the look he could never say no to when she pulled it out. "Do what you want, but don't say I never warned you."he conceded stepping away. Lumine's star shattering smile being worth it in the end, her soft giggle like a soothing wind chime to his ears. "I just hope I made the right choice..."he thought watching her go up the stairs towards the stool. But the concern remained on both Paimon and Xiao's faces, the yaksha remaining on guard and on edge. But as Lumine sat down it was for a split second but Lumine looked like she was sitting on a throne in the heavens. Just as fast he felt a strange sensation, a vision flashing in his mind. Lumine elegant sitting on that throne eyes gleaming gold with six brilliant golden wings. But just as fast the vision vanished the same time as the mirror began to glow ominous with indigo feral eyes. Lumine flinching as the frightening entity took over her body.

"Lumine!"Xiao moved to race over only for Yae to put her arm in front to stop him. "Get out of my way Miko! That spirit—!?"

"Nothing. You will do nothing."hissed Miko her eyes glowing ominously making Xiao hiss. Lumine's eyes opened to reveal them turn teal in the pupils, her posture changed as in a weird twist it sounded like a mix of Lumine's voice but also of a much older male as the entity grunted in annoyance. His gaze landing onto the girls and Xiao.

"....I never thought the day would come that I'd be summoned by my own ritual. Getting a taste of my own medicine it seems."he laughed. The sight was very unsettling for Xiao as Yae kept him from approaching. The stranger again becoming a mixture of annoyed and amused, "Well, well what do we have here? Another budding author? What's come over all you mortals and why is everyone wishing for help with their writing? Are novels so popular in this darn era!?"

"We finally got you! So your the one who wrote that book, First Hand Guide To Summoning Spirits!"accused Paimon with a huff. Xiao glaring daggers at the spirit that had pocessed his wife. 

The stranger's gaze landed the girls but was more intrigued by the boy behind them as he crossed his arms with a grin. He had not expected to see one of his kind here. But now that he got a better sense of the body he taken over, the stranger could tell was in fact that boy's mate. "That explains it. Your kind are viciously aggressive in protecting your mates and offspring."he thought with amusement as this situation was starting to feel vaguely familiar. The strange flying creature's lil rant only making him more amused, "Huh? What's this now? Ho oh oh~! I see now...No wonder this feels so familiar! I walked right into your trap then."

Instantly his posture changed to a more lazy but foreboding one with a commanding and very powerful aura leaking out. An aura that made Xiao's blood run cold and his instincts to scream and snarl in fury. Yae again having to this time keep him restrained. "Lets not be hasty."he scolded. 

"You ask what my game is here? Well of course it was to use that spell to allow all the souls of the deceased yokai to make their glorious return to this world and plunge all of Inazuma into a brutal and bloody war."stated the stranger matter-of-fact tone. Those words making Xiao's anger grow.

"Get out of my wife's body now or you'll regret it fool!"snapped Xiao.

"What!/ Paimon knew you were evil all along! Get out of Paimon's friend now!"demanded Paimon with equal fury.

The stranger just glared and grinned crossing arms as he gave a menacing sneer. it been a bit longer and now he could feel it. Yes, yes this was no human not with this level of power that swirled and roared with a storm of pure primal energy. He knew what he had here taken over and he could feel the girl's spirit freaking out shouting in anger, her emotions going haywire. 

"Dammit give me back my body you old fox!"wailed Lumine inside her skull, helpless to do nothing but watch.

"So impatient. Be good and sit and watch you mustn't fight me right now."the spirit mentally scolded. The spirit gave a sly fox-like grin as he stared at the girls and furious, lone yaksha being held back by Yae. "Oh didja now? Then how positively naïve and foolish of you all. Especially you yaksha for even permitting this so I can possess this body so easily."chided the stranger. Carefully closing his eyes or rather, Lumine's eyes before opening with growing delight. "I sense...great power within her, ancient even....Good...Good! With this power nobody will be able to stand in my way!"he laughed in menacing delight. 

Yet then Xiao realized something seemed off about this spirit. If it really was malicious as it claimed it would have attacked already. Miko seemed calm but Paimon was as usual freaking out and dense as ever. Then Miko broke into laughter and a grin as did the stranger leaving Paimon confused. Xiao though only let out a frustrated groan of annoyance, walking away to go lean against the wall hand to his head. "Damn kitsunes."he thought. These damn foxes and their love for pranks and tricks. 

"Oh Urakusai-jiji you haven't changed a bit. You caught on so quickly, too perfect!"laughed Miko the old fox grinning ear to ear at the youngsters.

"Oh you know how I love a good story and prank, dear Miko-chan."he greeted. "I was not expecting to see Chief Avisous's child here, he looks so much like his old man." Urakusai chortled in delight making Xiao turn flustered. 

"Paimon's so confused..."whimpered Paimon in confusion.

The conversation with the old sly fox lasted for awhile Miko agreeing ot preform the ritual for the night parade. Eventually he did step out and leave Lumine's body, leaving the poor girl trembling. Great..her headache was back and everything felt dizzy as Xiao steadied her. "That felt bizarre."she thought as they all left. Later that night witnessing many spirits of yokai blacken the sky casting Narukami in streams of firefly like light trails before vanishing. But as lumine was again feeling a bit unwell from her headache Xiao whisked her away back to their guest room at the palace, bidding Miko goodbye.

"You don't look so good. Did the possession take a tole on your body after all?"Xiao asked as Lumine flopped onto the near by bed with a grunt.

"I'll be ok. It's just a small headache, it'll go away."she tried to assure. Though she was not completely convinced herself.

"You've been getting a lot of those the last few days. Your worrying me."he confessed moving to sit down beside her.

"Should Paimon go get Kokomi or Miko?"asked the fairy.

"No, really guys I'll be fine in the morning. I'm just tired and been stressed, I swear!"she dismissed trying to assure them. Tomorrow the festival would end and then after tomorrow they would return to Liyue. Her recent job request she had received from the guild requesting her to return to Liyue. It was to help investigate the Chasm now that the team had explored it, limited access being granted. But as she rolled over covering her head with a pillow Xiao and Paimon couldn't help but look at her in concern. Was it really just stress and a headache?

To Be Continued....


[A/N: Next chapter we hop into the Chasm Arc. After playing Ayato's quest, I decided it just doesn't fit here for the story, but I will have mentions of its events. Hope your ready as we go and enter the final arc of Season 3!!]

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