I Was Never Alone

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"Sure!" I typed back. "Is it ok if Deku tags along?"

"You're friends with that shitty nerd? Whatever, I guess if it makes you happy."

I focused my gaze at Deku, who was stuffing his mouth with pancakes and looked like a squirrel, cocked his head to the right with curious eyes.

"Katsu wants me to sleepover at his house tonight, but he said that you can come."  I signed to Deku. He nodded back, so I took that as a sure. "Want to come back to my place to pack my bag?"


As we were walking to my house, it was pretty loud. Since I have hearing aids, I'm not 100% deaf with them on. Deku was mostly rambling off random questions to me like "What's your favorite color?" and "What day is your birthday?", to which I answered all of them, with signs of course. Finally, we got to my house. 

As we walked inside, I was greeted by my mom, very excited I made a new friend. She already knew we were hanging out and when I told her I was bringing him over to pack my bag she was ecstatic. 

"You must be {y/n}'s new friend Deku, right? Are you hungry? Are you hot, cold? Do you need anything?"

Deku smiled and from what I could hear and see he was telling her he was fine. 

As we went up the stairs to my room, Deku tapped me on the shoulder. 

"Your mom sure is nervous, huh?" he laughed. I nodded with a little giggle.

As we approached my door and I opened it, Deku's jaw practically dropped to the floor. 

"Is that...the newest exclusive All Might figure?!"

He ran in and got almost an inch away from the figure, obviously very interested. As I packed my bag, he sat mesmerized at my figure. The only way I could get him away from it is by physically grasping his arm and dragging him away. We walked out my front door and were walking again.

"Katsu's house is right down the road, and you already packed your bag so let's just go there now. Race you!" I signed while breaking into a sprint. Of course, Deku got there first, though. As we walked up the front steps, Deku froze.

"It's fine Deku. I'll make sure Katsu's nice." He gave me a nod of approval and kept walking. I burst through the door and up the stairs to Katsu's room. As I entered, he was sitting on his bed, back facing me, and didn't have his hearing aids in. Perfect. I snuck up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He immediately jumped up and into a fighting stance before realizing it was just me. I didn't even notice Deku in the doorway at first, trying his best not to burst out in laughter. 

"What are you laughing at Deku?" Katsu said with a sassy expression. Deku stopped at once.

"The other two idiots should be here in a little bit," Katsu said. He liked talking more, and I liked signing, so we tried to find a balance for him since he's newer to sign. But whatever.


Sure enough, Kiri and Denki showed up about 5 minutes later. Since they don't know as many signs, I usually lip-read around them. 

"What's up, guys!" Kiri said.

"Really nothing. Just hanging around." I replied. I don't speak much, but I do when necessary. 

After we said hello, we all kind of scattered around Katsu's room and talked. Katsu was on his bed, Kiri and Deku were sprawled out on the floor, Denki was on Katsu's beanbag, and I was also on the bed. 

After we talked a bit, Kiri asked a sudden question. 

"Hey {y/n}, quick question. What were those things on your side when your shirt flew up a bit the other day?"

I swallowed hard and glanced at Deku, who gave me reassuring eyes. I told them the whole story, while at the end showing them all of my 17 scars from the incident. Their eyes widened.

"No way." gasped Kiri. "You have one there too?" 

He rolled up his sleeve to reveal a patch of scarring, almost twice the size of my scar there. 

"Quirk incident," he said.

"No way, you had a quirk incident too?" Denki said. He took off his shirt to reveal that his whole torso and back were covered with yellowish lightning-looking scars. 

"Bakubro show her yours!"

"Tch," he responded, but lifted the side of his shirt anyways. He showcased a hole about the size of a dime. "When I was a kid I ran into a metal rod."

I cringed. It looked painful. And now everybody looked in a gloomy mood.

"Why don't we all go down into the kitchen and bake some cookies!" I squealed. Everybody's mood seemed to lighten up. 

As we made our way down to the kitchen, I realized something. I'm not alone with my scars. I was never alone.

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