Roller Coasters

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"Class dismissed." Aizawa signed while speaking. I got up and started making my way out of the classroom. As I stepped outside, the hot afternoon breeze brushed against my skin. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my back and jumped a bit. 

"Sorry if I scared you! What's your name again?"  a green-haired boy signed at me. All of his signs were perfect. Impressive. 

"I'm {y/n}! You're Deku, right?" I signed back. He blushed a bright red. 

"My real name's Izuku, Deku is a nickname." he signed back. 

"Alright, Deku," I smirked. "Wanna go to the amusement park later?" 

"LIKE A DATE?! NO, NO, IT'S FINE TRUST ME I-" I cut him off, shaking my head. 

"Like friends. Meet me at 4:00. See ya later, loser." I signed, walking away. 


It felt good to have another friend. At 3:30, I started walking across town. By 4:00 I was already there. And so was Deku, standing by the entrance with a goofy grin. He was wearing a black sweatshirt and grey sweatpants. 

"Hey, loser." I signed. "You ready to ride some roller coasters?"

They spent the whole rest of the day together, riding roller coasters and having fun, getting to know each other little by little.


"It's really hot outside. Why not take your sweatshirt off?" I signed to Deku. He was sweating.

"No, it's fine. I'm not hot," he said wiping her sweat. "You wanna sleepover at my house?"

AUTHORS NOTE: sorry for the short chapter guys! but trust me, i have a lot more in store ;)

Voices (bakugo x {y/n})Where stories live. Discover now