Chapter 26 - Declaration

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"If you're gonna keep a face like that, you're gonna scare off some customers~" Yuki-san said as she was moving some boxes outside the storage room.

Hi, it's me, lowkey depressed Anon-kun here. I'm currently at my part-time job praying that my shift ends soon.

"Hey... Yuki-san..." I call her.

"What is it? I'm trying to move some boxes over here!" She said.

"What do you think I should do?" I asked her.

"Isn't that your fault?" Yuki-san said.

"I know...." I replied.


When I came in to the shop, Yuki-san immediately bombarded me with hints that she knew about what happened the other night.

And she dropped them faster than rain falling from rain clouds.

Apparently, Shuuna told her the story in full detail a little while ago. And now she's getting back at me for not telling her sooner.

"I told you... I was gonna tell you, but Shuuna beat me to it..." I said.

"Fine fine... I'll accept your apology..." She eventually gave up.

Yuki-san isn't exactly new to love, since she's been with countless ones over the years. And so, she's practically the best candidate to ask whenever you get into these kinds of problems.

"Well... what do you think? Do you think you did the right thing?" She asked me.

Ohh great... she's gonna give me this approach...

"I'm pretty sure I did...." I said.

"Then if you think you did, then you did." She responded.

"But what if I'm mistaken?" I asked her.

"Then you apologize, and learn from it." She said.

"That doesn't sound very fun..." I replied.

Yuki-san began to pat my head.

"In love, you're supposed to experience all kinds of things. Love, pain, regret, anguish, and perhaps even guilt." Yuki-san said.

"If you cheat your way by asking help with everything, then you wouldn't be able to grow personally." she added.

"I don't want Shirokane-san to hate me..." I said.

"If she really does like you, then she wouldn't hate you and she would understand why you did that." Yuki-san said.

I really hope that's the case...

"On another note, I thought you said you didn't like her anymore?" She began to start teasing me.

"Well...." I said.

It really isn't that easy.


That night must've been pretty difficult on me to say something like that. But in the end... I can't really bring myself to do it.

I can probably lie up front and say that I don't like Shirokane-san anymore. But deep inside, that feeling hasn't changed.

My feelings for her haven't changed nor have they gotten away or have weakened.

"Hey, isn't that a Roselia song you're playing on your phone?" Yuki-san asked.

"Yeah...." I replied.

"What song is that?" She asked.

"It's blessing chord..." I replied.


Since I found out that Shirokane-san was in Roselia... I started listening to their songs.... and I quickly found out that Roselia must be a very important family to her.

Their songs really says a lot about how rich the band's journey been.

And I seem to have my head stuck on Blessing Chord.

"Shirokane-san can sing too huh..." Yuki-san said.

"You bet she does... she sound majestic..." I replied.

"Someone's eating their own words!" She said as she tries to arm lock me into oblivion.

I'm beginning to eat my own words. I'm actually just giving more reason for me to like her even more...

This is bad....


Hours pass and I'm nearly finished with my shift.

Only a few more minutes and I can finally go home and test out the HorizOne!!!

And then I'll ask Rinrin out to go find some mobs so we can get a feeling on how to fight with the-

Oh yeah...

"So this is the place huh?" A girl said as 5 of them enters the shop.

"Welcome! How may I help you today-" I greeted them with cheer.

Until I slowly start to realize who I have before me.

"So you're Anon-kun huh..." Hikawa-san said.

No way....

"Roselia?!" I said it out loud.

Before I knew it, Roselia was in our store, in front of me. Looking at me....pretty angry...?

"Uhmmmm...." Shirokane-san speaks up.

"Shirokane-san.... look... I'm sorry about last night..." I said.

I went out and apologized for something I did on purpose.

"No... you we're totally right back there. Which is why I'm here before you again. I want to tell you something." Shirokane-san said.

Did she really understand me though?

"Okay... what is it?" I asked her.

She took 2 deep breaths.

"I'm in love with you." She said.


Obviously, that caught me off guard. I just can't get enough of it!!!!

"Did you really understand me? Let me tell you this again... Please don't love me out of pity or just because you feel like you should Shirokane-san..." I said.

"I'm not hesitant anymore, and this time around... I'm sure of my feelings! I really really like you! Anon-kun!" Shirokane-san declared.

She's... actually standing up for herself....

And oh my god did she sound so sweet back there.... I'm really sorry Shirokane-san...

"I don't like you anymore Shirokane-san. If you're going to continue to act this way..." I said.

"You!! How can you still say that after Shirokane-san has said so much already?!" Hikawa-san got angry in her stead.

"It's fine Hikawa-san..." Shirokane-san said.


I just don't know at the moment... I'm super delighted to hear Shirokane-san say that she likes me...

But I can't be too sure if she's actually just not forcing herself...

"You can keep saying that... but believe me..." Shirokane-san said.

"Look..." I exclaimed.

"Mark my words! I will make you fall in love with me again! To prove to you that I'm not only loving you because I feel obligated to do so!" Shirokane-san said.

And those were the words that I didn't expect to come out of her mouth.

- To be Continued -

Oblivious Heart - (A Male Reader x Rinko Shirokane Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora