Chapter 19 - Unison

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I have found myself in a scenario where I rush to work and every single one of my friends are wearing our shop's apron.

"What in the..." I asked them.

"I asked the entire gang for help because we apparently are getting more orders of these bad boys. The owners really wanted to haul a lot of stock for this, it probably means that this is gonna be something big if they're gonna stock up on so much." Yuki-san said.

"If you're gonna work on a Weekend, count on us to help you out!" Saito said.

"It'll be much more fun if everyone were to help each other out!" Shirokane-san said.

"Sorry Anon. I know Shuuna and Ako are supposed to be busy with leveling right now.... But don't worry, I won't let your efforts go to waste!" Yuki-san said.

I haven't seen unison that has this much power in it. I'm a little overwhelmed that everyone is here, but at the same time.... I'm actually kind of happy.

"It's really okay Yuki-san!" I said.

"Alright! Listen up!!" Yuki-san called our attention.

The plan is simple. Ako-chan and Shirokane-san are in charge of doing inventory for the items that are already inside. Shuuna will watch over the counter. Me and Saito are going to be bringing all of these boxes in because we're more than capable for the job. And Yuki-san is gonna be doing the budget report in her office, and the inventory report after that.

"Looks like we're in for a tough one, let's go everyone!" I said.

And we get to work.


"Saito, there's two more boxes outside, I'll fetch the other one after this." I said.

"Want me to handle both?" He asked.

"There's no need! We still have 2 more trucks coming in a few minutes!" I said.

"2?! Just what are these things.." He said.

As much as I want to... I can't really tell him that it's a new product that VisionClad manufactured.

I can't wait until the announcement tonight!!!


After 3 hours of working... we finally caught a break.

"Thanks for your help everyone! Please catch a break, I'll still need you for something in a little bit later." Yuki-san said.

"There's more? The livestream announcement will start in a few minutes though! Oh dear it's actually already 6:12 PM?!" I said.

I didn't think we'd take that long. Carrying the boxes in were not much of a drag but.... the last truck arrived a little too late so we had no choice but to wait things out.

And so, we didn't finish on the time that we expected to finish.

"Don't worry, we'll all be able to watch the livestream here. I'll load it up on my laptop so we can all tune in on it." Yuki-san said.

Oh, that's good then. Atleast we won't be able to miss the announcement....

More importantly....

Shirokane-san seems like she's tired. I kind of want to approach her and talk to her, but I don't really know what to say...

Plus, Ako-chan is there so.... walking up to her all of a sudden would probably just be awkward.

What's wrong with me...

I fell something cold touch my face all of a sudden.  It startled me.

"Good work out there." Shuuna said.

She offered me a cold bottle of water.

"You could've given this to me in a more appropriate way.... But thanks, I needed this." I said.

"Sorry. But I figured you would after all of that labor." Shuuna said.

"How about you? still doing fine?" I asked her.

"Yeah, there weren't much customers anyways. Although they were wondering what we were stocking up on. It looked like it was quite a lot after all." She said.

That is true...

But all of a sudden, I didn't realize that Shirokane-san had walked up to me.

"A-Anon-kun? Are you alright? Do you need anything?" She asked.

What's this? My hearts beating so fast I can't find the correct words to say.

"It's okay Rinko-chan, I already offered Anon-kun some water." Shuuna said.

Damn you Shuuna!!!

"Oh, how about this towel then? you look like you're drenched. Please, take this." Shirokane-san said.

Ahhhh.... She's so thoughtful and gentle... I'll melt if she keeps talking to me like this...

"Thanks, I'll take you up on that offer..." I said.

"Also, please help yourself on some cookies! A friend of mine made them, I was thinking that I could share it with you guys." Shirokane-san said.

Whoah, these cookies look super tasty!

"Are you sure? These look super delicious!" Saito asked.

"By all means, please help yourselves!" Shirokane-san said.

"These are Lisa's cookies aren't these? I'll have some!" Ako-chan said.


After taking a short break, we await the livestream announcement on Yuki-san's laptop.

She walks out of her office to join us.

"Alright... I just finished everything that was needed to be finished.... and I just gave everyone's parents a call telling them that you might be home late. Again, I'm sorry, but please bear with me for a little longer...." Yuki-san said.

"Did you call mine? There's no need though, I live alone." I said.

"Me too." Shuuna said.

Yuki-san then squeezed into our seats to sit down next to me. She then wraps her arms around my body and embraced me as she tries to fight the stress away.

"I didn't...." She said.

"Umm... Yuki-san... this is a little..." I told her.

"Have I ever told you how much I wanted a little brother?" She said.

"Haven't I told you before that I'm not really a little brother material...." I said.

I say this but I kind of just gave up. I'm just worried because Shirokane-san is looking at me funny.


"Shut up brother-kun! The livestream is about to start!" Yuki-san said.

And the most awaited stream is here. The head producers over at VisionClad will brief us about an upcoming game update, and what we can expect from the game moving forward.

And... I'm pretty certain they're also gonna tell us whatever this HorizOne thingy is.

- To be Continued -

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