Chapter 1 - Separate Strides

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"Man... how long have you been in that dungeon?" My friend asked me.

This is Saito, Saito Miyamura. We've been friends since we entered highschool. And he's also been playing HTO.

He started out after a week since the game was released, so I wouldn't say he's that far behind from me.

I'm currently level 112 while he's 87.

"I've been here for 7 hours... I started hunting for this item around 3:34 AM..." I told him.

"Bro... maybe you need a break from the game? Ever since that rejection... You've been nothing but a grinding machine... You taking care of yourself? Want me to cook for you?" He said.

"I'm doing fine... and despite how much I want to decline your offer... your cooking is fantastic.... next saturday?" I asked.

"You got it!" He happily replied.


Me and Saito used to be on our own separate ways when we played the game. Since Saito was still learning the ropes of the game and was exploring every other part if the map until he explored everything.... I was clearing dungeons with Rinrin-san...

But ever since that fateful day, I haven't been able to try and contact Rinrin....

Call me a coward... I just don't know how to handle this kind of thing.

After all, it was my first confession, as well as my first rejection. I didn't let it get the best of me, so I tried to distract myself by getting a job.

After all, I'll be in college soon, and I would need some money.

I work at a local game store. I man the shop during weekdays after school until 8PM. And when I get home, I still grind and play the game.

"So... about that thing I talked to you about. You are planning on making one right?" Saito asked me.

Hmm... oh that one.

"But it's currently just the two of us, do you think it's fine?" I asked him.

"We can get a third person anytime soon! Leave it to me!" He said.

"Oh well... if you say so. I guess starting a guild wouldn't hurt." I said.

"Yeah! Let's do it! that way, you can also forget about Ms. Crimson Mage for now!"

"Mentioning her doesn't help!" I said.


Rinrin's P.O.V

"Ako-chan, how are you liking the game so far?" I asked her.

"This world is amazing Rinrin! It isn't NFO but it's titally giving me those kind of vibes! Also, I managed to save up some money earlier, and I used a little bit from it to buy this class that I wanted so much!" Ako said.

A few days ago, HTO released a new expansion pack that introduced 2 new classes into the game. The "Fallen Angel" and the "War Priestess".

They're both a sword weilding class but they're pretty interesting. The Fallen Angel class specializes in making fights end as soon as possible. They have skills that are able to burst down enemies while sacrificing HP.

The War Priestess on the otherhand focuses on sustain. It's a class that specializes in combat, and at the same time, buffing and healing.

To me, I think it's one of the the best classes out there right now. Although those two classes can only be bought via in game purchase for now. They mentioned that they'll release it as free classes soon.

"Fallen Angel Ako... shall conquer this world!" She said.

"But first we should do some leveling, where to?" She asked me.

If I recall correctly... That's right! Homiru-san showed me a good farming spot where monsters are all grouped up in one place.

We were farming those mobs until we only got 1% of exp for each of them.

That's right...

"Follow me Ako-chan, I know a place where we can farm for exp fast." I told her.

"Way to go Rinrin! Off we go then!" Ako said.

"Hold on Ako-chan, did the game ever send you a bunch of freebies when you bought that class? I'm pretty sure the game rewards the players who bought the new classes with a rare equipment for the user." I told her.

Ako then checks her inventory and recieves a bunch of presents from the system.

"Whoah! Look at this sword Rinrin! They gave me a sword and a skill book!" Ako said.

A sword? That should be the... "Fallen Angel's Respite" Despite being new, it's actually already a wepons that exists in the game that's farmable on later areas. It has a pretty great effect too...

After all... It's been used by Homiru-san before...


I can't seem to stop reminding myself of Homiru-san... To be correct.... these line of events have been reminding me of my adventures with Homiru-san...

"We should head off once you've equipped it Ako-chan." I said.

"Okay! But first, can you add me in your friendlist Rinrin?" She asked.

"No problem!" I said.

And so we added each other to our friendlist.

"That makes you my first friend here Rinrin! Am I your first friend too? Or maybe you've made other friends before? You have been playing this game for 3 months right???" Ako asked a barrage of questions.

"Well I...." I struggled to say anything...

I don't know if I should tell Ako-chan this... abut she's my friend and I don't want to hide things from her either....

Why does this have to be so conflicting...


In the end, I told her about Homiru-san from start to finish. My adventures with him for the past three months, and how we kind of drifted apart after he confessed his feelings for me.

"Ehhh?! That much happened to you Rinrin?!" Ako was shocked.

"Yeah... I had a lot of fun..." I said.

"Yeah, based on how you told me the story, you seem like you had fun adventuring with Homiru-san!" Ako said.

"I did..." I said.

"So where is he now?" She asked.

"Well... We haven't talked ever since that time..." I said.

"Do you hate him Rinrin?" Ako asked.

"I don't hate Homiru-san at all!" I replied.

"Then why don't you talk to him again?" Ako asked.

Ako.... I don't think it's as easy as you say it would be...

- To be Continued -

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