Chapter 17 - Clarity

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"So, why exactly are we back at the exact same Stirbucks from earlier?" I asked Shuuna.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm here to evaluate how you did today!" Shuuna said.

Soon after the meeting ended, we decided to part ways. It didn't last very long, although it lasted 2 hours, half of it was just us idly chatting about each other.

I also managed to get everyone's LINE ID! Of course, that includes Shirokane-san's LINE as well. Just because of that, I feel a little bit closer to her now!

That doesn't mean I have an excuse to send her a LINE.... I don't exactly know how I'll be able to hold proper conversations with her.

And I'm out here thinking like I wasn't rejected before....


I was never really the type of guy who got hung up on love over the years. You'd think that someone like me who's already a third year would have had past crushes or atleast have been to some relationships in the past.

But I'm not really like most people my age.

You can find me in the library reading books and or in the music room playing the piano whenever I had a chance to. I do those things to unwind and relax myself because I used to have an overworking problem.

I used to study too much and did nothing but review my notes and take extra lessons. It didn't really do me any good cause I wasn't failing anything nor were my grades dropping.

I kinda just... did those things because there was nothing else to do.

I did drop them all as soon as I got into Horizon Tale Online. I'm having a lot more fun during my free time nowadays, and I'm super thankful for it.

I got to meet great people, even this one who's currently judging the hell out of me.

"Did you see the person st the counter earlier? He looked so disappointed at me!!!" I told her.

"Not my fault I broke down and cried after you ranted so much about how you did today want to see me!" Shuuna replied.

I swear...

Is this really one of our school's top students?!

"So, what's the big deal?" I asked her.

"I actually wanted to talk to you sincerely. As the real Adagaki Shuuna." She said.

What does she mean by that? Was all of that a facade up until now? Was it all fake?

"What exactly do you mean by that?" I asked her.

"Well... So far, from the moment you met me up until this point... what do you think of me...?" She asked me.

"Well... If I'm being honest, I knew for a while that you're a hardworking student, but I never really knew who our Student Council President was. Meeting you now, I can see that you can take breaks and can laugh with other people. So honestly, I'm a bit relieved." I said.

"Eh? Is that all? Don't you have anything to say about my recent behavior towards you?" She asked.

"Sure, you've been pestering me so much and you act as if we've been friends for years. It's honestly annoying." I replied.

"I'm sorry..." She said.

She suddenly lowered her head in shame.

"I say it's annoying, but I don't exactly hate it." I replied.

Her head shot back up.

"Could you possibly be... into girls that push you around Anon-kun?" She asked me.

"You know that's not what I meant." I retorted.

"Then...?" She asked.

"I wouldn't hate you over something like that." I said.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"After all, all those things like asking me to take you places, make me meet you to talk about stuff, getting mad whenever I chicken out from my decisions.... You don't do all of that to inconvenience or to annoy me, don't you?" I said.

Shuuna's eyes widened.

"I know for a fact that you don't do those things to push me around. You do those things for me, for my own sake, for my own good. Like today for example, you took some time off to meet me and made sure I'd be well behaved during that meeting.

And the other day when you got mad because I chickened out on the whole Offline Meeting thing. I don't say it but... I was really thankful back then.

Because of you, I managed to meet new people and even meet the person I like out here in the real world.

Which got me thinking why you even do these things for me...." I said.

Shuuna started shedding tears.

"Shuuna?! Why are you crying again?!" I panicked.

"Sorry! These aren't tears of sorrow! I'm actually quite happy!" She said as she laughed away her tears.

"I'm sorry if I pushed you around too much, Anon-kun. I thought you'd hate me after all of that honestly..." She said.

"Like I said! I won't! C'mon! Stop the water works! You're gonna make me go viral here!" I said.

"Why don't we do just that then? So I can repay your kindness?" She said.

"Shuuna!!!" I cried out.


Shuuna's P.O.V

Throughout the first few days I've spent Anon-kun when I first met him. I thought that he would also be one of those people that would turn themselves away from me once they find out something about me that they didn't like.

But he wasn't one of those people, and I'm honestly really really thankful for that, to the point where I actually managed to drive myself to tears.

I've grown so brittle and sensitive over the years since people left me because of this side of me.

They called me a "Fake".

a "Two-Sided Woman".


And I've become shackled by those words.

The moment people find out that even I would go out of my way to slack off and or to break the rules, they shove me away.

"I thought you said you would in cram school? What are you doing out here with your friends?"

"Didn't I tell you to come home early?"

"So even little miss President can be late huh?"

"Aren't you supposed to be working? What are you doing sleeping in the Student Council Room?"

All of those painful words...

It's as if making one mistake would cost me everything I worked hard for for the past few years....

Instead of hearing him say the words "We've only just met recently, so why are you acting as if were so close?"

He said...

"You don't do all of that to inconvenience or to annoy me, don't you?"

Honestly... That's the first thing you notice...???


What a weirdo....

- To be Continued -

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