Chapter 5 - Resolution

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After a few hours of training, I found out that Ako-san was actually a Fallen Angel classed player.

The class excells at quick fights and making sure the opponent doesn't get the opportunity to land any unnecessary strikes.

"Listen Ako-san, as someone who's a Fallen Angel, you have to know just when and how to head into close quarters combat." I told her.

"I understand! But, thy shalt address yours truly as.... My Dark!" Ako-san said.

Well... It wouldn't hurt to cater to Ako-san's roleplaying.

"Understood, my dark. Now then, shall we commence?" I asked.

"You understand me truly! We shall!" Ako-san initiated.


While me and Ako-san were having an exchange of blows in the training grounds judt behind Yuna-san's shop.

Saito, Shiina, and Rinrin are watching us from the sideline.

They don't seem to be striking any sort of conversation at the moment.

"Umm... It's nice to meet you Rinrin-san. I'm Saito, a friend of Homiru-san. And I'm also a tank!" Saito introduced herself.

"Yes of course, I'm Rinrin, I'm also uhhh... I acquainted with Homiru-san! Yes!" Rinrin said.

"Why do you call someone like Homiru-san as an acquaintance?" Shiina suddenly slid in.

"Uhm... you are...?" Rinrin asked.

"I'm Shiina, I'm a new player that Homiru-san and Saito-san helped out not too long ago. But I was wondering what kind lf relationship you have with Homiru-san?" Shiina asked.

"You had to ask that..." - Saito thought

"Relationship?? What does she mean by that??"  - Rinko thought to herself.

"Shiina. Him and Ms. Rinrin here go back way before. They were practically partners back when the game was first released." Saito said.

"If that's the case, how come the mood around you two are so awkward?" Shiina pressed on.

Rinrin didn't say a word.

Rather... she couldn't.

"Shiina, what are you on about?" Saito asked her.

"The moment we were walking back to Yuna-san's shop, Homiru-san had a genuine way of talking
to us. He actually talked to us as if he was really enjoying the game." Shiina said.

"Well... that is true... But he didn't seem any different when he reunited with Rinrin." Saito added.

"I could just be guessing here, but Homiru-san felt like he was forced to say those words to Rinrin-san." Shiina.

"Shiina!" Saito slowly figured that the conversation was going off.

"It's okay." I butted in.

Me and Ako-san's sparring is over. So I figured I could get Shiina and Ako to have a practice session while we're at it.

Also, I kind of wanted to talk to Rinrin.

"Shiina, I need you to have a training and a sparring session with Ako-san, would that be okay with you?" I said.

Shiina took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry for what I said. I sincerely apologize. You got it Homiru-san!" Shiina then apologized to Rinrin and headed off to meet Ako-san.

"Saito, mind supervising them for a little bit?" I asked him.

"Of course. Use this time to catch up and patch things up will you!" Saito said as he walks off.

There's nothing to patch up...


I stood beside Rinrin for a good minute. During this time, I was still struggling about what to say to her. Until she decided to break the iceberg.

"Sorry..." She said.

"Why are you apologizing?" I asked her.

"I... couldn't contact you again...after that..." She said.

"That's perfectly fine Rinrin. You have your limitations. We all do. If you can't find yourself talking to me, it's fine." I said.

"But... you sound like you're mad at me..." She said.

Oh dear... I've probably been pressuring her too much with this kind of mood I've brought up...

Keep it together me!!!

"I'm not mad at you Rinrin! Truth is, I've been trying to contact you as well but... I was just scared. I thought you didn't want to talk to me anymore..." I said.

"Eh? Don't say that! I had fun while we were adventuring together after all! I was glad that you were my first male friend...." She said.

I....was her first male friend...??

Does Rinrin have many friends?

I just feel bad now....

"Sorry Rinrin, I must've made you really worried. From now on, I'll contact you more often!" I told her.

"Uhmmm... why are you being nice like this?" She asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"I rejected your confession... so I thought you didn't want to be friends anymore..." She asked.

"That's not how things work. Sure, I'm sad that you rejected me. But I'm even more sad if I can't talk to you anymore." I said.

"Homiru-kun.... All this time, I thought he didn't want anything to do about me anymore.... but in reality.... we were just afraid of speaking to each other again despite us wanting to do so.... Why was it so hard...?" - Rinrin asked herself.

"But I'm happy now! I got to talk to you and reunite with you again!" I said.

"I can't lie to you and say that I've moved on. Honestly, I still like you. But we can forget about that for now. Right now, I just want to be friends with Rinrin. I want to see different sceneries with you and everyone. I want to make memories." I said.

"Then... Homiru-san... I hope we can get along again!" Rinrin said.

"Of course! Now, we've got a lot of catching up to do! What have you been up to?" I asked her.

And our conversation extended for hours. We slowly forgot about what was going on around us and got sucked into our own little world.


"Hey, where's Rinrin?" Ako asked.

Saito pointed at the two of us.

"Looks like those two have made up!" Saito said.

"I guess... that's a good thing..." Shiina said.

"Rinrin looks so happy!" Ako said.

"How can you tell Ako-san?" Shiina asked.

"After all, Rinrin is having a non-stop conversation with someone! Rinrin is a super shy girl in real life. But lately, she's been trying to improve that part of her. So I'm happy for her right now!" Ako said.

"Well it looks like we really shouldn't be getting in between those two for now." Saito said.

- To be Continued -

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