"That'd be nice. Though I'm thinking you might be a little young for me." I chuckle

"I might not look it but I'm legal." Just barely. I'd turned eighteen a month ago right after my junior year of school. I'd been held back in grade school when they found out I was dyslexic. I repeated fourth grade so I was a little behind. He retch into his pocket and pulled out a business card. He wrote a phone number on the back and stepped around the cart to my side. He kissed my cheek and handed me the card.

"Text me Angel."

"Definitely." I watched him walk off with the coffee he'd picked up just before I'd run into him. "Oh baby baby." looking at my sister I raise my eyebrow. "That has to stay between us, no telling mom, dad or Andy. You keep it a secret and I'll let you pick the movie. Deal?"

"Deal." She says. Thankfully she was just old enough to get what secrets were. She and I decided on ice cream drumsticks and she picked out the new Trolls World Tour movie to buy. When we got home I took the chocolate to dad who went to give it to mom to hopefully make her happy. I got Anise set up with her movie and ice cream in my room. Lounging on the bed I eat my ice cream and sent a text to Zach.

'Hi this is Angelo.'

'Hi my Angel. Miss me already?' He teases.

'Not every day a totally hot guy gives me his number. Dare I ask what you are doing?'

'I'm getting my grill started to start a steak. Drinking a beer and talking to the cutest guy I've met in a while.' Aww he said I'm the cutest. 'What are you doing?"

'Watching me sister watch her new movie and eat ice cream... before dinner.' I sent a shocked emoji.

'Ice cream before dinner, you rebel.' he teases. 'So, what are you going to do with the summer?' We chatted about our likes and dislikes. Our plans for the summer and even told each other where we lived. I knew the addition he'd moved into. I talked to him clear up and through dinner then after dinner, clear until I was falling asleep in bed then said goodnight.

For weeks that's how it went talking and getting to know each other. Then I ran into him on accident on a rare day I was alone. I'd gone to the mall to buy some new shoes and he was there buying some running shoes. I went up behind him.

"So you finally ran your shoes to death?" He turns and smiles at me.

"Yeah, I put them to rest last night. Nice funeral and said a few words." I laughed. He was the first guy I'd met who had a sense of humor like me and liked to laugh.

"That's nice. The two of you had been through a lot together, lots of miles." I tease. I held up the sneakers I'd just bought.

"My mother told me and I quote, 'Throw those nasty ass things away and buy some more.' I bought some just the same as my old ones. I'm a little addicted to them. They are my third pair. If they ever stop making them I may go through withdraw." I stay and talk as he picks out his new running shoes.

"Since you are here want to have dinner with me?" He asks. I smile and give him a smile.

"Ooh like a date?" I tease.


"Sure." So we walk around to the steak house at one end of a hallway and he gets us an out of the way corner booth so he can sit next to me. We talk and laugh. We were lingering over dessert for me and another beer for him when I get a text.

'It's after dark where are you?' I look at the time it was after nine. I'd left home at three that afternoon. We'd lingered over shoes and food for nearly four hours.

"Crap. That's my mom. I didn't realize I'd been gone so long. I better head out." He walks me all the way to my car. As I'm putting off getting in he slides his hand around my neck and pulls me forward. I hold my breath as he kisses me. It was a simple meeting of lips at first but it happened again then again. Then I'm being clasped in his arms as my mouth is ravished. I moan and hold tight to him. His lips are soft but pull at me. His hands spread over my shoulders then down my back and make me shiver as they tuck inside the back of my pants and underwear. Hot hands against the flesh of my ass makes me gasp and I shiver again. He groans and presses me back against my car. Our hips meet. Our cocks meet and rub and I know if we don't stop I'm totally going to cum in these pants. I was a virgin I didn't have the experience to be able to stall my own orgasm. Jerking off was not the same as this. This was so much more and blew away anything I'd done on my own. He forced his hands further into my pants and I felt a finger delve between my cheeks and he pressed against my tight hole. I gasped and my hips jerked as I came. I could feel my face flame as he pulled back. I didn't dare to look at him I just buried my face in his shoulder and wanted to just die.

"Did you cum?" He asks quietly. I nod.

"It felt way to good. I may not have mentioned this but... I'm a virgin who has been on one whole date. I went out with a girl one time to be able to say definitely that, nope I wasn't into them." He cleared his throat.

"I didn't realize."

"Yeah, that's okay though." I lift up my head still blushing. I bite my lip and drop a hand to stroke him through his pants. He was very hard. Slipping my hand into his pocket I stroke over him. He grunts and grips my ass tight. "Turn about is fair play you know. I've never done this before is it alright?" I ask nervously.

"That feels great. Fuck, my tip... rub..." he trails off onto a groan as I caress his top and rub it with my thumb. His grip on me gets tighter almost to pain then he jerks and cums. I feel him jerk and rut against me as he cums. He chuckles and kisses me lightly.

"Okay for a first timer that was really good." That made me feel good. "But now we both need showers and pants. Mind driving me around to my car so I don't advertise my state."

"No." He slipped around the car and in with me. I got several more kisses before he finally got out and I headed home. But as I pulled up I had no idea how to get in and up to my room without them seeing the big wet spot on my pants. I finally pulled out my phone and texted my brother to bring me a pair of pants out front. He argued at first but I promised to give him a full day on my PS5 if he'd do this for me. He came out and slid into the car.

"Dude have an accident?"

"No." I tell him and blush brightly. He stares and then grins as he realizes what happened.

"Dude, what had you creaming your pants?"

"Nothing you'd be interested in." He rolled his eyes and snorted.

"If this is the gay thing I totally know already." I hadn't told anyone yet how did he know.

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