Miss Tolerant

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"Exactly why you should hear Genna's take on the episode, I narrated to you."

Beneath Cooper's words was something else. She was not wicked but deeply hurt. She liked it when people thought she was vain. Why? We didn't speak further and headed home. Home. Wow! The word came to my mind so easily. It wasn't just because of the magnificent structure but something else that brought the feeling of home or was it some person, I couldn't decipher? 

I was seated in a very different kind of dinner setting. Carpet was spread on the floor and small stools were kept in front of us. How were we going to eat? Cooper's granny and an old man sat beside me and opposite to me were Genna and her boyfriend who squinted their eyes to recognise me.

"Kenneth Kellar?"

Genna shouted my name in her shrill voice and immediately shut her mouth when her granny glared at her. She muttered a sorry to her but kept looking at me.

The dinner was delicious? No, it was mind-blowing. I ate more than my usual diet and I will sleep tight tonight.

Genna and her boyfriend were elated to meet me. The boy, Mike, told me if the internet was permitted in the house he would have told the world he was with me. Cooper was standing on a side smirking because Genna's jealousy was evident on her face.

"Miss Genna, one thing, no cheap man could afford Miss Cooper as a security guard. She is brilliant at her job." I said loud enough for Cooper's grandparents to hear and they did spare a glance at the poor girl. She was startled by my words. Honesty bears the sweetest rewards and mine was yet to come.

Someone knocked on my door just when I was about to doze off. I opened the door and saw Genna. She was looking at me with a very unusual expression.
"Mr Kellar, I don't know what story Albeli has told you about me but I am not a bad person. She slept with my boyfriend and said she didn't know what happened. Can you believe it? You can't hold me wrong if I think people who hire her would be like her, cheap."

Oh! What a bitch she was. She pretended to cry. Can we replace the actresses in business with these real-life actresses I was living with? "Genna, did you ever question your boyfriend? What was he doing in her room or why did he let this happen? Whatever may have happened?"

"I did. He was only comforting her but she forced herself on him and said if he didn't satisfy her, she would blame him for taking advantage of her. Mike is a man, after all, he complied."

"Genna, I want to sleep. Please go. These things don't matter to me." She was irritating me. Bloody liar!

"They don't? But aren't you, Albeli's boyfriend? I believe you must know everything about her before taking your next step. You see, I am a huge fan of yours and don't want you to fall into that little minx's trap."

Where did that come from? Did Cooper lie? I didn't want to comment so, I wished her good night and shut the door. I wanted peace but things were so messy here. I tried to sleep but the thought of being Cooper's boyfriend was so fascinating that I jumped off my bed and knocked on her room. Rubbing her sleepy, tiny whiny eyes, Cooper opened the door and raised her brows to ask me why I was there.

I pushed her inside and held her forearms. She killed my peace and was sleeping peacefully? "Cooper, did you say I was your boyfriend?" She was confused that meant she didn't. A sound from her room made our heads turn. It was Mike. What was he doing here?

"Sorry. I am sorry Albeli but spare me. I can't do this anymore. I love Genna."

"Mike, what are you saying?" Cooper didn't say anything further and looked at me.  "Did Genna say something to you?" I nodded in confusion. This was a set-up or something? Cooper fisted her palm and I didn't know whether the punch was going to land on me or Mike. But she was just nervous.

Genna had called Cooper's grandparents and told them Cooper was again forcing Mike to sleep with her. What? Were they stupid to believe Genna? Couldn't they see she was lying? Before anyone could say anything, I said, "Genna is lying. Cooper was with me. We lied to you earlier. We are in a relationship."

Shock was written on everyone's face but mostly the sisters, Cooper and Genna. I pulled Cooper from her waist. It was so small, so soft.

Genna raged and spit in anger, "You witch! What spell have you cast, that The Kenneth Kellar is ready to lie for you? Are you that good in bed?" Can sisters get so toxic? Genna was a horrible person.

Sensing the matter was going off the hand the grandad spoke for the first time, "Genna, behave. Albeli, would you care to

"Would you believe me?" Cooper asked in a defeated tone. No one said yes, so she gave them a 'disappointed in you' smile and said, "believe what you hear because your eyes see the perceptions of others."

Genna felt a little agitated and she tried to persuade that Cooper was lying. She told me not to side with her and narrated the flaws in Cooper's parents. She warned me that Cooper was toxic and I should stay away from her.

"Shut up! Just shut up! Genna. What have I ever done that you hate me so much? Our grandparents don't love me as they do to you. You have a mother who adores you. I am an orphan. You have a boyfriend who is ready to risk his reputation or tarnish another's for you. I can hardly meet the monthly expenditure while you maintain Gucci bags. My life's miserable still I am living it the best I can. I don't want or shall claim any rights to any ancestral property. I gave you my word. What do you want me to do? Die?"

My heart pricked hearing Cooper's words.

"Great thought. Just die."

Genna left in anger and Mike tagged behind her. Cooper's grandparents offered her financial assistance if she needed money. Idiots couldn't see the girl needed love. Cooper was too proud to ask for money and denied it. I didn't know if respect was the feeling I had for her in that moment.

"Mr Kellar, I am sorry you were dragged into our family drama. I..." Cooper looked at the sky and continued, "I regret suggesting you to come here. I want to confess that I had an ulterior motive to get you here. I thought you would get peace here and I would prove to my grandparents, I could do something in my life too. Like, being a guard to the biggest star of Hollywood. I am sorry for being selfish. If you could forgive me, please."

Cooper looked into my eyes and said please with such fervent emotions. Like my forgiveness meant the world to her. Why?

"I have a long list of people who hate me, I don't want my favourite actor to dislike me." She answered my unasked question.

I nodded my head in "It's okay" and left her to herself. Self-healing heals the best.
Dear Readers
Albeli and Genna shared the same father and hatred for each other. How will this hatred twist the story of our star and his fangirl, read in the next chapter.
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