4 : What Do You See?

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Suddenly a cold hand grabbed her sharply by the wrist and dragged her to the wall. Out of sight from the woman who was just about to turn and see the frantic little girl. The child yelped slightly before being cut off by a frustrated and weary voice:

"Are you crazy? That woman is trouble!" A boy's voice harshly whispered at the girl. The hand on her wrist withdraws, leaving a slightly red mark.

She stared wide-eyed at the brunette in front of her. It was that boy from earlier! How come she forgot about him? She grinned at him, surprised about seeing him.

"I've seen you before, in the halls!" She exclaimed, the boy blinked at her, his strange yellow eyes full of mistrust and wariness. He seemed not to be the happy-go-lucky type.

The girl continued none-the-less: "And what do you mean that woman's trouble? She can help the both of us get out of here!"

The boy shook his head with a scoff, like he thought the girl was dumb. "Out of the question, she's bad news. She's looking for me, I don't trust her." He scowled deeply, eyebrows furrowing. He looked... nervous.

"What do you mean?" Questioned the girl, cocking her head. The lady reminds her of those policeman she'd see on TV shows, aren't police good? "She's a security guard, right? I'm sure she will let us out!"

The boy looked at her doubtfully. He seemed to think about what to say to her. "I just know that she's not good," He reasoned bluntly.

(Y/n) opened her mouth about to call him out for that nonsense but he quickly shut her up:

"Plus, I'm older than you, I know these things." He then started to tamper with an orange and blue watch on his wrist. (Y/n) tried to see what he was doing but the text was too small, the boy slightly bristled at her leaning in too close, she backed away.

He was older, he said? He's older than her? When she grows older, will she know who's good or bad? He looks to be between twelve or eleven, like those big kids (y/n) passed in her school halls, they looked cool and grown up. The thought was quickly replaced with another.

Maybe she should introduce herself? Mommy always said it was polite and that it was a way that made you friends easier.

"What's your name, by the way? I'm (y/n)!" She held out her hand to shake like she's seen adults do, but the boy gave her a look with a frown. She thought it would be nice to introduce themselves but seems like this boy didn't want to.

(Y/n) pouted, retracting her hand. She took a moment to look into his features: He had a blue shirt with a stripe in the middle. Brown shorts, and white socks accompanied with simple shoes. He looked cool and mature, like he was going to picture day.

He had this very messy brown hair that looked fluffy, the girl wanted to reach out and touch it, but she figure he wouldn't like that.

He has these golden eyes, too. They were the color of honey, making the girl think of her grandma who had a large pot full of honey in her kitchen. It was a warm memory despite the terror and coldness she experienced here just a few moments ago.

Happy things like sweets and balloons seem to make the shadows go away for a moment or two.

He also has a bandaid on the side of his face. It seemed whatever hurt him was pretty big, the bandage was long. The girl tried to imagine what possibly could've cut him, but her thoughts went to Chica and her hungry eyes and the security bot with the mechanical clicking and whirring, she shivered.

"What are you doing here?" She asked out of the blue. He glanced up at her from his glowing watch. Before, he was looking back into something with concentration. Like a map of some kind.

"I'm trapped," he replied after a moment. Averting his eyes back to his watch and tapping at it again. He clicked his tongue.

(Y/n) hummed, seeing that they are in the same situation. She looked at him with empathy. Her shoulders faltered. This boy was left behind here too, like her.

"We don't belong in here. We should be at home with our families." She said sadly. Her eyes watching the flashlight of the security guard from earlier disappear around a corner. She heard the wheels of multiple security bots roll in. She was scared but she was with a boy who is going through the same thing as her. She was not alone.

Their families are probably worried. Maybe they are crying. Maybe they are calling the police. But they will come to get the both of them when this is all over, and they'll be held tight and kissed on the forehead. Like she's seen in happy endings of movies and stories.

They wouldn't forget about her and this boy, would they?

The boy turned towards her at what she said. He opened his mouth about to say something but he shut it. He furrowed his eyebrows, as is if he was confused. (Y/n) felt sad for him, she will help him get to his family again.

"Don't worry, we'll get out together. I promise!" She smiled at him, mood lifted. Promises make people feel reassured, don't they? (Y/n) wouldn't dare to break a promise.

They boy glanced at her from his watch, he saw the hope in her (E/c) eyes. He saw the life and light. He didn't know what he felt.

"Gregory," he said all of the sudden. The girl cocked her head to the side, furrowing her eyebrows. She was confused.


"My name," he murmured, looking up from his watch. "It's Gregory." The girl suddenly jumped up in realization, eyes twinkling like stars. She beamed at him. He introduced himself!

The boy stared at the girl wistfully. The screen of his Fazwatch glowing a vibrant blue that spilled into his honey-colored irises. He blinked and looked away, perplexed.


This game does indeed follow some theories of it. But that's for you to piece it into this story ;)

Also if you see any grammar mistakes, spellings errors, misgendering or slip-ups of any kind. Please kindly tell me in the comments and I'll fix it!
It will help me a lot since when I proof-read I do tend to miss things.


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