A Creation-Queen Amethyst

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SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG! Life is tough XD. Plus, I've been trying to analyze what will happen in the book- i'm still stuck btw XD


(Second person P.O.V.)

You and Mai decided to head over to their spot once again. You were tired from your duel, and it seemed every other duelist was already battling. Night was already rising on the horizon, followed by the sun who blissfully dove into the sea. Mai had fallen asleep after fixing her hair. You stared deeply at your Millennium Key. Yugi, I wonder how great of a duelist you actually are... You thought. Suddenly your key began to glow. 

You raised your arm over your face to shield your eyes from the sharp light. When you opened them again, you found yourself in a room full of twists and turns, doors, and rooms. "Y/N? You are here- again. You know, it's quite rude to come in uninvited." A voice said behind you. You turned around. Yami stood in front of one of the many doors. "I didn't do it on purpose. I'm learning how to control this thing." You replied to the taller. Yami got closer to you. You stepped back a little. "I feel like I know you from somewhere, but I only met you two days ago." He said, furrowing his brows. "I feel the same way, yet I've never met you nor Yugi..." You replied, stepping back once more until you are pushed against a wall. Your hand pressed something on the wall, a lever, and you accidentally pulled it down. 

The room shook fiercely, and the wall that was behind you disappeared suddenly. You almost fell back, but if it hadn't been for Yami reaching out for your hand and grabbing you, you could have plummeted more than fifty feet below. He pulled you closer to him and away from the room that appeared behind you. As you turned around, you saw that the wall that was previously there, was gone, and a room had replaced it. A pathway appeared elevated in the air. Across the room, was a tomb. Hieroglyphics were painted over the walls, and the columns that were in-between wall and floor were cracked. In the middle of the room was a golden casket. This reminded you of your home in Egypt. You and your father Shadi would always go exploring to the Valley of the Kings to learn more about the Ancient Egyptian history. 

"It's...beautiful!" Both you and Yami exclaimed at the same time. Yami looked at you and laughed. You giggled also. "Did you know this was here?" You asked him. He replied, "No, I did not." You looked at him. His face was lit up in excitement. But, you felt like you had seen a smile exactly like his. An image glitched into your head as you imagined Yami in pharaoh's clothing: Purple cape, golden arm pieces and chest plates, golden belts... Why was his smile so...familiar?

"Y/N!" He exclaimed. You jumped in place. "Sorry, what?" You asked. "I asked if you wanted to walk in." He replied. You nodded, following behind him over the gold path. Both of the sides of the gold path were endless pits of darkness, so you decided to hold on to Yami's arm, for safeness.

The casket came to view as you leaned over it. The floor was much bigger and safer than the pathway was. As you looked over the casket, you gasped. Inside of it was the millennium items, all of them, placed over a purple cushion. Above each was the name of its keeper written in hieroglyphics. The Millennium puzzle had the name 'Pharaoh Atem' written over it, and the Millennium key had the name 'Queen Amethyst Shin'. Amethyst Shin...? That must mean... 

"I WAS A QUEEN?!" You exclaimed. Yami looked at me, concerned. "No way. How old would you be if you were?" Yami asked. "Like 3,000 years old. My father told me I was someone important. You see, Shadi isn't my real father, to be honest. I was created to hold the Nameless Pharaoh's memories. I was also his bodyguard." You explained. "You must be the Nameless Pharaoh! I mean, you must be! Who else would suit a large role?!" You were yelling now of the excitement. 

"Woah, calm down. I don't even remember who I was in the past. And what do you mean you were created?" Yami asked. You gasped and covered your mouth. Holding your deck with your free hand, you sighed.

"I was created by...

by God Ra."


Personally, I dont know. I kinda like how its going but also....eeeeh? Yall just tell me, i'm gonna write this story anyway XD

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