Chapter 53: Bad Feeling

Start from the beginning

"How's Y/N?" Benkei immediately asked, still feeling worried for the girl who's apparently still injured. Wakasa sighed still not being able to remove the heavy feeling in his chest for leaving the girl without saying anything.

When he woke up early in the morning, the first thing he did was to go to Y/N's room to check up on her. However, he felt guilty to even wake her up, thinking she must be tired. Not knowing what to say to her and will most likely feel bad if he woke her up only to let her know he's leaving so early, he decided to just prepare her some food, hoping she'll understand.

"I feel bad leaving her alone there but I trust that she can manage things well on her own. Besides, she's safe in that place. No one else knows about our stay there besides you three." He was so sure that nothing will go wrong when Y/N's far from here—where the men were after her the other day. "We just need to be quick so I can return there early. I don't want to leave her there for too long." He said and the three nodded their head. Wakasa can still feel the guilt and worry weighing on her chest but he shrugged it off, smiling at the thought of the girl. "She's still such a kid."

When they were about to get moving, Senju accidentally hit Wakasa's phone in hand, causing it to fall to the ground with a cracking sound.

"Ah shit. That's my only phone, too." He sighed when he noticed the screen already has cracks. He was about to crouch down to pick it up when Senju was faster and was quick to grab hold of it.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" They quickly checked but Senju's eyes widen when Wakasa's phone screen turned on, showing them a picture of someone familiar. Her expression immediately transitioned into a mischievous look. "Oh! You even have her as your lockscreen. You're such a sucker for her." She teased, grinning at Y/N's picture. The girl in the photo was simply sitting on the stairs in front of the cabin where she was busy doing something. It was a moment Wakasa didn't really expect that he'll be able to capture. She looked so peaceful and beautiful. All he knew is that the sight gave warmth to his heart. And he was thankful to have such memory in his gadget.

She looked just like a wife in the photo.

"Does she know about that though?" Takeomi teased more with a playful smirk as he watched his friend retrieve the phone. "She saw it, didn't she?" He pressed and Benkei followed while taking a look at the cracked phone screen as the owner remained silent.

"She must be totally blind if she didn't notice that."

But for some reason, seeing Y/N's photo in his cracked screen made Wakasa's stomach churn. It was as if it's telling him that something was up. It made him feel sick. But he didn't know what exactly was causing him to feel like this.

He could only frown as he stare at the sky above.


Still feeling the need to be productive for the day even without someone accompanying her within the forest, she went on to continue with her planned present for the long-haired man.

It was already afternoon when she decided to take a rest. She's almost finished with the gift. She was done with the most important part of the present but the whole product is still a working in progress. Standing up, she reached for the box carefully where she placed the item but stopped midway.


"Something feels off..." she spoke more to herself, frowning at the opened box as the item laid inside plainly. "It's lacking something." She tapped a finger on her chin while thinking hard, feeling like she's forgetting something.

Suddenly, a light bulb appeared imaginary on top of her head as the thought sank in. With wide open mouth and eyes, she snapped her fingers in realization.

"Aish! I forgot I lost the bracelet that day." She remembered the leopard bracelet that she bought for him which she lost the moment she fell down and injured her ankle. With a grunt, she smacked a hand on her forehead, causing it to redden at the impact. "That was the only one in that store, too!"

Seeing as the day isn't over yet, Y/N came to a final decision to go out in hopes to find the lost bracelet where she lost it.

"It must be here somewhere." She kept on searching and searching still with her leg not yet fully healed. Though she was able to walk on her own but still too hard to move in a fast pace. Her eyes are searching the place, squinting it from time to time, hoping to get a clearer vision of something from afar.

She convinced herself to find it and finish her present before even Wakasa comes back home. Then maybe it'll be a way for her to approach him about their current situation and maybe fix things between them... as friends obviously. So she's determined to find it before the sun sets so she can spend her remaining time finishing the main product for her present.

A few more minutes passed with the H/C haired girl circling around the area where she fell last time, sharpening her eyes to see clearly since the bracelet might be covered by the fallen tree leaves by now.

However, as she made a turn, something bright caught her attention from the corner of her eye. It was a reflection of the light that hit something. As she neared the object, her eyes sparkled in excitement and relief.

"Found it!" She cheered and quickly picked it up, patting and blowing the dust off the object. "Thank goodness you're just here." She thanked and even placed the item against her chest in pure relief. She couldn't be thankful enough since she really spent a portion of their budget for it. Now, all she can hope and pray for is for the man to appreciate her efforts this time.

She was too busy in cleaning the bracelet due to the mud that was stuck on it that she didn't notice something—more like someone else who was just standing behind the shadows of the trees.

Raising the item up to see clearly, she happened to tilt her head to the side while trying to get a good view of it when suddenly...

"Ouch!" Immediately, she covered her right ear when she felt a harsh gush of whistling wind pass by  the side of her face, causing her ear to ring. It was too much of a powerful wind that she could swear it hurt her physically.

Only then her suspicions started to get serious when she felt something warm and sticky on her fingers. Pulling it away from her ear, the first thing she noticed was the red color that tinted her fingertips. It was all too familiar to her to not recognize.

She felt her heart sank when right in front of her, the branch of the tree had a small hole... right where the wind passed her as a small yet visible smoke came out of it and from a metal looking thing blocking the hole.

At that moment, she knew in an instant what's up.


Author's Note:
It's been awhile since I updated so I'll update this chapter today. Y'all my mental health's been going down down down lately~ so I haven't been in the mood even to write a single paragraph🤧 that's why I might release the next chapters a little late too.

I hope you all are doing great though!<3

I noticed some of you are looking for Sanzu in the earliest chapters of this story. Sorry but don't expect a Sanzu screentime here hehe. I honestly forgot to write about him at first but I thought that I really don't have anything for him to have his screentime in this book since he's not close with either of the main characters sooOoO...

So sorry again if Sanzu isn't here🤧

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