
Your POV

I felt my feet numbing after running around the campus. I felt like i'm running in circles.

Could it be... someone is manipulating the space or am I in an illution?

My heart sped up, feeling a faint presence behind me. All too familiar presence that makes me shudders in fear.

It growls lowly.

And i could think right now is to run, but all my effort were usless as a sharp claws dip on my flesh, wounding my left side. Her sharp claws, digging painfully on my skin as she throw me away, my body crashing on the nearby tree.

I cried out in pain, feeling an unexplainable pain shot up trough my body.

My body slumped down helplessy on the ground, watching as the mosnters take a step forward towards my directions.

But I was startled when another figure of a beast appears and attacked the other, sending them into the wall that protected the school from outsiders.

"Y/n!" jihyo calls for me. My head snapped to her direction and saw her with injured Sana, looking worriedly at me.

They hurriedly ran to me after confirming it was really me.

"Are you okay?" Jihyo ask, as I was still seated, back leans against the tree, the crimson fluid staining my sleepwear.

Sana crouch down and examine my wound, "the wounds' deep" she click her tongue in frustration. Bringing a hand to press it on my wound.

When all of sudden, a huge figure of a beast was thrown beside us. The demon beast have the color of Nayeon's eyes. Glowing white.

But I could barely hold on my coinciousness, feeling myself slowly falling into the depth of darkness.

"Y/n don't sleep."

Sana's word felt ten miles away from me, fading into a echoing ecnlosed walls. But before everything turn into a utter darkness, I sees the white-eyed demon dashes to the murderous demon, her teeth latching onto its neck before throwing it awaw. Jihyo throws something like a potion to the knocked demon direction and slowly, the beast turn back to normal form.

Revealing Dahyun naked form.

And everyhting fell into beeping silent, darkness succumbs my vision as my world felt like swirling above me until I lost my consciousness.


Soft silk draped over my body as I slowly comes back to the world of consciousness. My eyes slowly flutterd open, meeting a white ceiling. It took sometimes for my vision to gain focus, only to realize I'm in a clinic?

I pinch my eyes shut and open them again, roaming it around the room and spot another two occupied bed. There lays Nayeon who's still unconcious and Dahyun wide awake beside the Nayeon's bed.

I stilled sprawled on the soft bed, eyes watching every action of the pale demon.

She keeps looking at the unconscious Nayeon, eyes lock firm on Pride's bandaged shoulder.

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