Chapter 2: The Plan and The Saviour

Start from the beginning

"Oh, so that's how it is then? What happened to you, dobe? You saved me from the path of darkness and revenge not so long ago, you said it yourself that revenge is not the answer, so how come you are running away now!" – Sasuke yelled out – "Why did you slaughter these ANBU? Stop this Naruto! There is still time to turn back!"

"No Sasuke, you and me, our paths are different, thing is, that darkness you are talking about was always with me" – Naruto met Sasuke's glare with his piercing ice-cold blue eyes as he continued – "That darkness followed me ever since the day I was born, casting its shadow until it fully consumed me. The day I was born my parents died because of a certain man who I seek to kill one day. Ever since I learned about that I promised myself that I will make him suffer, making him feel all the pain I felt all these years! I will make him regret the day he set foot in Konoha and crossed my path" – the blond boy yelled out, a wild look on his face – "I WILL KILL HIM! AND THEN I WILL COME BACK TO BURN THE LEAF VILLAGE TO THE GROUND!".

Sasuke looked at his friend with disbelief – 'What did you do, you idiot!?' – the raven-haired boy thought to himself – 'I can't let him do this, I can't let him go'

"Why do you seek to destroy the Leaf?" Sasuke asked, his eyes wide as he saw the blond laugh maniacally at his question.

"Why the Leaf you ask? Oh, well you see Sasuke the man I seek revenge from may have left me to be an orphan but the villagers, oh the villagers, there are no words to describe the hell they made my life become! Do you know what they do on October 10th every year?" – the blond asked the cold look on his face, Sasuke stared at him, eyes wide – "Well so I thought...they go on the "Demon Hunt" as they like to call it. And you know who they seek to hunt down?" – the raven-haired Uchiha shook his head – "They seek to hunt me...ME a young boy, ON MY OWN BIRTHDAY!". Sasuke saw anger fill Naruto's deep blue eyes as they started to turn crimson red, black slits appearing instead of the pupils.

The Uchiha boy finally got the courage to speak up again – "I know you are in pain Naruto, but running away and killing all these people, destroying the Leaf, all these things wouldn't make it better. You have people that truly care for you in this village. How can you just turn your back on them and leave, promising only to return to kill them!" – Sasuke was losing his temper – 'Why can't he understand that we all need him here. I need him here.' – the black-haired teen thought to himself. "Naruto you either turn around and come back with me now or I have no other choice but to fight and stop you! Either way, I'm bringing you back!" Sasuke yelled out.

"Fine by me! I want to see you try!" – Naruto imitated a yawn, which infuriated the Uchiha boy even more. 'Just who does he think he is?' the raven-haired kid thought to himself. "All right then! Let's see who gets to win this time, deadlast!" – Sasuke said with a smirk as he prepared his attack.

"Who are you calling deadlast, teme?" – Naruto spat back – "The only deadlast here will be you when you die!" With that, the blond boy charged at Sasuke as he yelled out "Shadow clone jutsu!"

Hundreds of clones surrounded Sasuke, as he made a few handsigns and yelled out "Fire style! Fireball Jutsu!" A big ball of fire erupted as many of Naruto's shadow clones poofed away. 'I need to find the real Naruto!' Sasuke thought to himself 'I wonder which one of them he is or if he is hiding somewhere else...' Sasuke couldn't finish his trail of thought as someone kicked him in the back, forcing him to tumble on the ground from the branch he was standing on.

"Looking for me?" – Sasuke saw a blond with whisker marks approach him – "You are too weak Sasuke. Your brother was right when he said that. Your defence is sloppy and you better learn how to use that sharingan of yours to an advantage beyond reading my movements. But I guess you won't be able to do that after all. This time around I'm out for blood, I gave my word that I would finish what we started at the Final Valley and you already know Sasuke" – the black-haired boy's eyes suddenly widened at the realization – "I never go back on my word!" – the blond yelled out suddenly appearing behind Sasuke, Rasengan ready to pierce through his comrade's heart. All Sasuke could do was brace for impact.

"Rasengan!" – the blond shouted out, the glowing blue sphere in the teen's hand dangerously close to Sasuke. The young Uchiha braced for the attack when suddenly a flash of yellow pierced through the air and the attack never came. The black-haired boy turned his head and couldn't believe his eyes.

There stood a man holding Naruto's hand, the same hand that he had his Rasengan in mere seconds ago. The man had spiky blond hair weirdly similar to Naruto's and wore a white cloak 'Wait the cloak? It can't be!' Sasuke couldn't believe his eyes as he eyed the cloak in disbelief. It was white with red flames adorning the bottom and "Fourth Hokage" written across the back. 'No this can't be him' the boy thought in terror 'he died, the Fourth Hokage died!'. Suddenly a voice interrupted Sasuke's train of thought.

"Are you all right?" the blond man asked a weak smile on his face, all Sasuke could do was nod as the man turned to Naruto "as for you my son, I believe we need to have a little talk!" 


And done! In this chapter, I really wanted to show how unstable Naruto is becoming, and as we move into the next chapters we'll see a lot of Minato. I already have ideas for my next chapter and let's just say that ... prepare yourselves for an emotional rollercoaster.  

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