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With the Deadly Five and the traitorous Dr. Eggman defeated, you, Zeena, and Tails head back to the grassy field on which you arrived.

"So, you're Zeena right?" asked Tails.

"Yes, Tails. I'm sorry I didn't get to introduce myself previously" Zeena replied.

"Maybe that was for the best. After all, previously you were our enemy, so it wouldn't have been an ideal time for introductions" You said before you all started chuckling.

"Well, thanks for helping us out, Zeena. Now life is restored here, and the Lost Hex is safe now" Tails said, "I'm glad you left those losers behind and did the right thing before it was too late. I guess you weren't so bad after all" He said looking at Zeena with his thumb sticking up at her.

Zeena then smiled at him before looking down with an insecure expression.

You walk over behind Zeena and place your hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, Zeena, are you alright?" You ask her with a soft and concerned tone.

"..." Zeena continued to look down without responding. She then slowly looked up towards the sky.

"Are you guys..." Zeena froze for a second before finishing, "leaving now?"

"We will be shortly. After all, we need to get back home, especially after a day like today" Tails explained.

Zeena looked down again. You figured she was sad about you leaving after everything you two had been through together. You ran Infront of Zeena and grabbed her hand leading her to look up again to your eyes.

"It'll be okay, I promise" You assured Zeena.

"You don't have to-"

"Before you go," Zeena interrupted you, "Will you go somewhere with me?" Zeena requested.

"Oh, of course" You answered.

"Sorry Tails, I'll just be a minute" You told him.

"Hehe, don't worry about it" Tails replied.

You didn't know where it was, but as Zeena held your wrist and you ran with the wind across the green field together, you couldn't help but get excited at the prospect of going somewhere with her, which you were sure must be a special place.

The two of you arrived in a familiar landscape, surrounded by snow-covered trees rustling in the gentle breeze. The two of you are lying on the chilly, white plains, gazing into the clear sky unsure of the future. As the cool air pushes past you, you calmly inhale some of it's refreshing aura, relaxing yourself and taking your mind off of the inevitable goodbye, although Zeena doesn't seem to be able to.

"Hey, listen..." You began with Zeena not being able to make eye contact, "I know a lot has happened lately, and I know you've been thinking a lot of things. I know because...I am. With everything that's happened, we have to have been thinking the same things the whole time, right?" You asked.

"..." Zeena continued staring off towards the clouds.

"Zeena, listen. Please, listen. I need you to understand. I can't stand this feeling; the feeling of having these thoughts and not knowing what to do with them. These thoughts, please tell me you understand. Please." You pleaded.

Zeena finally took her eyes off the sky and looked at you.

"Those thoughts...I thought the same way" Zeena replied, "Ever since I met you, I've been having thoughts non-stop. Thoughts about meeting you, seeing you, our kiss, and...everything else. But that's when I realized, these thoughts, no matter what happened...they were always about-"

"You..." You finished.

"Trust me, I've felt this way for so long" you explained, "This whole time, since we met, you've never left my mind. My thoughts of you, even before we kissed, they were...new. I've...never felt that way before. But you know what? I wouldn't have wanted it any other way; if there was anyone in the world I could choose to make me feel that way for the first time, I would choose you in a heartbeat. I finally understand, that's what love is, right?"

Zeena then grabbed your hand, "You know something? If you had asked me that before we met, I wouldn't have had any idea of what to say, or even think," she began, "but meeting you changed all of that. You've opened my eyes, made me see things I couldn't see before. You're...enlightening. That's always been true, this...love. I never want to see things the way I did without it again. I want to take it, leave with it and never look back. I want it forever".

You then released her hand, stood up and said, "Zeena...I know what I want, too. The love you're talking about, I don't want to leave here without it".

Zeena then stood up, too.

"Oh..." Zeena softly spoke. "What...what are you saying?"

"Focus on what I want" You began, "Focus on what I want! It's what my friend told me once and it's what's taken me this far. It may just seem like stupid, cheap dating advice, but I've followed that for so long, it's made so many things happen. It's why we fell in love and it's why I've never stopped thinking about you. Before I knew it, I realized what I wanted the most was you. The thoughts about you...they were more than just thoughts, they were dreams. You know why I talked about that sort of thing with my friend? It's because I've always wanted to feel this way about someone. I've always wanted someone to share these thoughts with. I've always wanted to meet someone like that, someone like you. Whether you realize it or not, you're my dreams come true. Zeena, I don't know how to say this but...you're my love, my true love, and I never want to leave without you. I want you forever. Please, I don't know what your plans are, but will you leave with me? I promise, together, we'll never look back".

Zeena then walked closer to you. With each step, your heart beat faster and faster. Suddenly, she stopped. She stopped, your heart stopped, it felt like everything stopped. You felt scared; was it something you said? You figured she might be feeling the same way, but you were unsure of what would happen next. There was nothing but silence for a few seconds. It was like the world froze. Suddenly, she cupped your cheeks, pulled you close and kissed you on your lips. As your face warmed up, the world did, too. Your heart was filled with relief and comfort as everything went back to normal. The feelings in your heart became stronger as you kissed, as strong as your feelings for her altogether. You grabbed her back and pulled her closer to you and she grabbed the back of your head to strengthen the connection. The feeling of her soft lips against yours made your heart flutter. With your chest against hers, you could feel her racing heart in sync with yours. You ran your fingers through her soft hair and she gently brushed her hot pink nails down the sides of your face.

You then both grabbed each other's hands and pulled them down to your thighs. You both opened your eyes and immersed yourselves within each other's.

After catching her breath after the passionate phenomenon, Zeena softly but surely said, "I'll go with you wherever you go".

You both held hands and returned to your awaiting friend. You both walked together and squeezed your hands tighter as the sun went down.


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