[6] Kai [4]

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Character: Kai

Other: Max's older sister.

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It was difficult to hide our secret from the world. I was merely Max's older sister, it was a scandal.

"Focus!" I heard his voice as he yelled at his teammate. He always pushed them so hard, yet the final result was always worth it. They worked well as a team, good individually but their power as a team was unstoppable.

Max cheered as he beat Ray. The two were almost evenly matched, just as Tyson and Kai, though just like Kai had a slight advantage, so did Ray.

A gasp escaped my mouth as Max picked me up and spun me around. "Did you see me? I was amazing!" I laughed as he put me down. "I always think you do great, Maxy."

I usually called my brother either Maxy, or Mac, me being the cheese to his Mac. It was corny, yes, we were 5 and 6 when we made the nicknames.

My eyes flickered over to Kai, who almost smiled at me, at least almost made it obvious he was smiling.

"Get back to work," I told my brother, who grinned, before approaching Ray.

Kai waited until Max was back with Ray, before nodding at me to approach him, I did as he wanted. "Max is more motivated when you're here," he told me. "Almost as if he's trying to impress you." "I'm his sister, he wants to show me how much he's improved. I must admit, I am impressed," I replied. We looked over to see Max grinning while in an intense battle with Ray. 

Max glanced at his sister, the smile still on his face as he saw her with his captain. He was sure something was going on between the two, they were often seen near each other during training sessions. He would be happy if they were together, they were strangely a perfect match. Kai was tough, while Y/n was sweet.

"What are you doing Thursday?" Kai asked me, though I kept my attention on training. "I'm not sure. I have the battle to watch, then I'm free. You?" "Going out with you," Kai said, smirking at me. I smiled at him. "Seems like I have plans."

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I was relieved as Max won his battle against Aaron. I was proud of my little brother, he did great, the battle was intense, as was expected. 

It was currently 9 pm, I had managed to sneak out of the hotel, ready to meet Kai for another adventure. The last time Kai and I managed to sneak away, we ended up sitting on a roof, watching the stars in the sky. I would spend every moment doing that with him, it was my ideal date, it was heaven.

"You look beautiful." I turned around, smiling at the boy. I wasn't dressed in anything fancy, just jeans and a shirt, though Kai always found me beautiful. "Thank you." He put his hand out for me and I took it, allowing him to lead me to wherever he had in mind.

We ended up on the beach, not too far from the hotel. It wasn't anything overly special, but it was perfect for us.

"Everyone seemed happy today," I said, causing Kai to chuckle. "We won every match." "Yet the best player didn't even play," I replied, bumping my hips into his gently.

"You know I prefer to watch over them than play. I only play when necessary. They don't need me." His voice seemed almost sad at his words. He seemed to forget why they worked so hard, why they became so talented. "They owe everything to you, Kai. You're the one who made them the team they are, without you, they're like the night sky without the moon, absent of all light."

"I love you, Y/n Tate."

I froze at the words. We had never said those three words, eight letters. We both had strong feelings for each other, though love wasn't something I thought about.

Did I love him? I loved spending time with him. I loved the thought of being near him, even if we did nothing but sat in silence. I hated when he was sad, or angry, I never wanted to see him miserable.

I did love him. I just never thought about it. I was too comfortable, I was so far in love with him that I didn't realise we never said those words.

"I love you too."

He smiled before pressing his lips against mine in a soft kiss. It was the perfect kiss to describe our feelings. The love radiating from his lips made me smile. Kai wasn't just my lover, or my best friend, he was my rock.

While Y/n and Kai were together, Ray and Max were watching from behind a tree. "I knew something was going on," Max whispered. "Are you okay with it?" Ray asked as they left the two lovers. Max looked at his best friend, a smile on his face. "I couldn't be happier for them."

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